May 23, 2014


Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale and Redland City Council Mayor Karen Willlaims have embraced The Friendly Bay Islander's new Island T Shirt initiative.

We chose the Mayor Pisasale event at the Tingira Boat Club to launch the concept.

The event was an outstanding success with the Boat Club packed to the rafters with invited guests from all islands.

The Mayor's inspirational address was lauded by all who attended, particularly for his positive and progressive outlook.

Mayor Pisasale immediately pounced on the T Shirts and declared he and Mayor Karen Williams would wear them when they go on a Local Government conference in a few weeks time.

He then demanded that his team take a 'selfie-style' photograph to immediately launch the T shirts on his Facebook site.

"This is one of the best ideas I have ever seen.

"It is positive and it connects with a very famous brand

When you shorten the name Friendly Bay Islander to the first letters of each word, you come up with FBI.

After ABC, FBI are probably the best known letters in the world.

We then decided to produce two T Shirt concepts ie.

I Love the Friendly Bay Islander, and

I Love the Friendly Bay Islands

Whilst we thought our idea might be a good name to promote our islands, we were unaware the reaction that came from the Mayor Pisasale event.

It was fantastic.

Watch for an announcement soon on how you can order you I Love FBI T Shirt.