Jul 11, 2014

Get engaged on City Plan

What sort of housing would you like to see in the Redlands and where?

How easy or hard is it to make changes to your property?

What is needed to make the Redlands prosper?

What is already working well and what can we do better to assist our local economy?

Council wants to get you involved in discussions on these topics and more through the new City Plan 2015 website and public displays and forums around the City, including a pop-up information booths at Russell Island on Saturday 2 August and Point Lookout on Sunday 3 August.

The engagements will focus on topics to assist development of City Plan 2015, get feedback on the draft Economic Development Plan released by Council last month; and look at housing possibilities as part of an upcoming Land Supply Availability Study.

The Redland City Plan 2015, which is currently being developed and is expected to go out for formal consultation and submissions early next year, will provide a blueprint to guide the future of the city as it grows.

Mayor Karen Williams said it would help guide planning decisions from where development can occur, right down to how easy or hard it is for residents to do something on their property.

The draft Economic Development Strategy charts a course for the city over the next 25 years driven by an increase in local employment, increased productivity and value-adding, along with tourism growth.

Mayor Williams said the strategy would build on Redlands as a clear lifestyle choice for residents and Council’s successful Open for Business approach to encourage investment and innovation and reduce barriers to new and growing business.

“This strategy is not just about attracting business, but importantly about retaining and encouraging business as well,” she said.

The draft strategy identifies key local sectors for future growth as construction; education and training; financial and insurance services and professional services; healthcare and social assistance; niche manufacturing; retail; and tourism.

Detailed action plans arising from the strategy will follow and an Economic Development Advisory Committee made up of representatives of the key industry sectors in the Redlands will be established.

Council’s upcoming land availability study, due for release shortly, will look at the Redlands expected population growth and the availability of land to meet that growth. This includes meeting the needs of our future community and the different types of housing needed to accommodate future resident, both young and old .

Along with the findings of many other studies and reports already taken place in the Redlands and available on Council’s City Plan website, the Land Availability Study and Economic Development Strategy will help in the development of City Plan 2015.

More information: www.redland.qld.gov.au/cityplan