Aug 27, 2015


• Cr Mark Edwards (centre) is pictured with Tony Controneo of BICS and Duncan Knightsbridge of the Russell Waste Transfer facility.

Bay Island Community Services Inc have gained access rights to the Russell Island waste depot on a trial basis.

Community Services runs outlets on both Russell and Macleay Islands providing items of clothing and goods at very reasonable prices.

Gaining access to the waste depot on Russell Island came about because an application to Redland City Council.

Tony Controneo of Bay Island Community Services says BICSI are keen to salvage bedding, frames, mattresses and bases, any household furniture and whatever can be sold at their Opshops.

“We cannot get enough bedding for the huge demand that is on the Island. Many items are given away as part of our Emergency Assistance.

“What doesn't get given away is sold from our Opshops.

“The prices of our items are very low and this assists many people who can't afford to pay very much. We also see it as an opportunity on the islands for good recycling practice.

The trial is supported by Cr Mark Edwards.

“I, like many others, often get rid of items and goods that are still in good condition.

“Rather than sell them, I often just take it to a council waste depot,” he told The Friendly Bay Islander.

It seems there are many like Cr Edwards.

Previously, Cr Edwards was keen to see Waste Depot shops at our island waste treatment centres.

“Because of the outlay involved in extending premises for this purpose, council officers advised that it was not practical for the islands.

“However, the BICS proposal has brought about an equitable resolution,” the councillor said.

Because of health and safety regulations, it was deemed not possible to give the general public access to any items or goods still in workable or reasonable condition.

It was decided that a community organisation such as Bay Islands Community Services Inc could gain access to the material.

Cr Edwards says the outcome has been a huge success.

“Speaking to the workers who manage the waste depot on Russell, they are delighted to be involved.

“They were sick of seeing many good items going straight into refuse and disposal.

“They have been given the task of ‘saving’ any good items to be collected by Bay Islands Community Services.

“The workers are pleased to be involved in a scheme that is making a real contribution to the community,” Cr Edwards said.

“As for me and the island community, I am pleased that a method of recycling now applies at the island waste depot.

Tony Controneo says he has been surprised at the quality and standard of the goods coming from the waste treatment centre.

“It is amazing what some people throw away,” he said.

The age old saying ‘one man’s trash is another’s man’s treasure’ is alive and well on Russell Island.



