Dec 27, 2020


A dedicated group of Southern Moreton Bay Islands ‘champions’ have been recognised by Redland City Council for their exceptional service to the community.

Mayor Karen Williams, who recently presented recognition awards to the Redlands Coast Community Champions on Macleay Island, said they all had been invaluable in supporting fellow islanders in times of need

“These certificates are a small recognition of how grateful we are to our Community Champions for what they do for others, especially the more vulnerable in our community,” Cr Williams said.

“This year, more than ever, they have shown incredible community spirit and selflessness, especially through ensuring the safety of other islanders when COVID-19 hit.

“They spread the safety message and were there to support their neighbours to ensure they were okay, while also supporting Queensland Health with screening clinics on Russell and Macleay islands.

“Our Champions have done such an amazing job and, on behalf of Redlands Coast, we wanted all involved to know that what they do to ensure their communities are prepared, safe and supported is highly valued.”

Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards said the Community Champions were ready to assist with challenges ranging from potential natural disasters to ensuring the wellbeing of others, including how to safely refer on suspected domestic and family violence.

“Our Champions have now partnered with another wonderful local organisation, STAR Community Services, so they can assist STAR’s clients during disasters and local emergencies,” Cr Edwards said.

“They will be there to call residents to check on them and to assist them in getting to an evacuation centre if needed.

“We have already seen the wonderful jobs they did supporting vulnerable residents with information and bottled water during water outages on the islands, as well as providing vital community support and education during fire and storm season.

“Our Community Champions are now being trained to identify and refer on instances of domestic and family violence and help those affected by it as part of a ground-breaking trial.

“By making it easier for those affected by such violence to get the help and support they need, they are driving social change.”

Southern Moreton Bay island residents who would like to become a Community Champion should email Council’s Disaster, Planning and Operations team at


• Mayor Karen Williams and Cr Mark Edwards with the Community Champions