Mar 7, 2022


Federal Member for Bowman Andrew Laming has summarised two decades in Federal Parliament in his valedictory and final speech.
And he says the conservative side of politics is now leading in health, welfare and housing reforms across Australia.
During his valedictory speech to the House of Representatives in mid February, Dr Laming highlighted his activism role across health, welfare and Indigenous policy.
“I’m proud of my part in bringing more activism to our side of conservative politics,” Dr Laming said.
“In what is likely Australia's largest single savings reform, my PBS changes have saved government around $700 million dollars each year, plus another $70million saved from customer out-of-pockets at pharmacies.
“From a standing start in 2018, my idea to help home-buyers with their deposit is now the Coalition's 'Home Guarantee' transforming 56,000 renters into confident homeowners in control of their destiny.
“Around 250 Redland families are in that number."
Dr Laming also reflected that throughout his two decades in Canberra he has witnessed a shift in political power to Australia’s outer metropolitan areas, like the Redlands.
“The Redlands along with the outer rim of Brisbane currently sends seven Coalition MPs to Canberra. We are now ‘ground zero’ for federal elections and Redlands is the only electorate based on a city council area,” Dr Laming explained.
“We now have political power and influence that I couldn’t have imagined 20 years ago.
"The SEQ City deal will be the latest proof of that," he added.
Dr Laming said there is so much more to do in Redlands that he won't be putting his feet up any time soon.



• Andrew Laming’s final speech in Federal Parliament