The Premier of Queensland, the Hon Campbell Newman, has praised The Friendly Bay Islander's Zero Tolerance program.
He has come out in strong support for the program in a special letter to The Editor.
In the letter, the Premier's Executive Officer, Kate Davies, has advised she was requested to write to us on behalf of the Premier.
"The Premier has asked me to pass on his thanks to you and the people of your island community for your efforts to raise awareness of bad behaviour, bad language and domestic violence, and the impacts these can have on individuals, families and the community more broadly.
"The Premier is very concerned by the increasing number of reported incidents of domestic violence across the State.
"The Queensland Government wants to do more to address the issue, but this can't be achieved without the support and commitment from Queenslanders.
"The awareness-raising efforts in your community are precisely what the Premier would like to see right across the State.
"This insidious form of violence needs to be everyone's concern.
"As you know, the Government recently established the Special Task Force on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland to consider how the Government and community can better work together to reduce domestic violence, hold perpetrators accountable, and protect victims.
"You can access further information about the Task Force online by visiting
"I have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your email to the Taskforce secretariat so that it is taken into consideration as part of their consultation with communities.
"However, if you would like to contact the Taskforce directly, I encourage you to email them.
"Thank you again for your terrific work and for taking the time to write to the Premier on this extremely important issue," the letter concludes.
It is signed Kate Davies, Executive Officer.
The Friendly Bay Islander devised the Zero Tolerance program and launched it with support from the Bay Islands Chamber of Commerce and Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming.
The publication is prepared to launch the program into North Stradbroke Island if there is support for it from that island community.
Redlands to receive new domestic and family violence service
Vulnerable families and children in Redlands will be better supported through Queensland Government funding of more than $5.1 million to provide innovative and flexible services to support the victims of domestic and family violence.
Member for Redlands Peter Dowling said as part of the government’s commitment to revitalise frontline services, tenders had opened for the new local service.
“Domestic and family violence is a significant issue in Queensland,” he said.
“We know many families who come into contact with the child protection system are also affected by domestic and family violence.
“It can also affect the ability of adults, both victims and perpetrators, to safely parent their children and the effects of this violence can also be significant, traumatic and long lasting for children and young people.
“Our government has a strong plan for a brighter future for families, which is why we are funding services that support needs of families.”
The funding is part of the Stronger Families reforms, which are a key platform of the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry.
Mr Dowling said the Queensland Government would invest a total of $406 million over the next five years to better support the state’s most vulnerable families and children.
“We want stronger families in Redlands and these new services will really assist those who need it most.
“I encourage local community organisations to consider applying for the funding to deliver the service,” he said.
Applications close on 3 November 2014, for more information visit: HYPERLINK ""