• Cr Mark Edwards addresses the packed Lamb Island gathering.

Issues surrounding safety and security dominated debate at a special community meeting on Lamb Island.
The meeting was organised following an article in The Friendly Bay Islander which raised a number of concerns including home safety and the dumping of motor vehicles.
The Friendly Bay Islander asked Redland City Council Division 5 representative Cr Mark Edwards to attend a public meeting to answer the concerns of island residents.
More than 130 people attended, packing out the Pioneer Hall on Lamb Island.
Locals say it was one of the best attended meeting 'ever' on Lamb Island.
Cr Mark Edwards organised the meeting and brought along council officers and Redland Bay Police.
Apart from the dumping of motor vehicles and other items on private and public land, the main issue was the renting of properties to people who choose to make life difficult for their neighbours in contravention of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008.
The finger was deliberately pointed at the island Real Estate industry for failing to comply with the Tenancies Act.
Many stories were told of fear, retribution and possible illegal activities.
Senior Sergeant Steve Graham of Redland Bay Police explained there was a process that can be followed to have troublesome renters removed.
Police said that in many cases the owners of the rental properties were not aware that their homes were being rented out to people who were behaving in an unacceptable manner in contravention of the Act.
It was also explained that the first port of call was the Real Estate Agent responsible; followed by the owner of the property.
If the agent and the owner failed to act, then the meeting was told that the matter can be brought to the attention of the Rental Tenancies Authority or the Real Estate Institute of Queensland.
Police advised that they would follow those processes if asked to by the community.
Cr Edwards explained the processes and responsibilities in regarding to the dumping of motor vehicles and other unsightly objects.
He said there were regulations in place to handle most issues and gave an undertaking that council officers would become vigilant in effecting positive outcomes in relation to unsightly properties.
"I can assure you that we will have a positive response to many of the items presented today," Cr Edwards said.
Other issues that were offered to the meeting included possible drug supply matters and dog violations involving poor control including animal attacks.
A call was also made for a permanent police presence on Lamb Island.
Cr Edwards promised to look into all areas that fell under his control.
Local residents are looking at forming an island organisation to address local issues from a position of strength.
Both Cr Edwards and Redland Bay Police declared they would be happy to return to Lamb Island early next year to update the locals on action taken.