• Cr Mark Edwards with the mooring facilities at the Little Ships Club at Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island.
Cr Mark Edwards is seeking support from State Member for Redlands to obtain visitor mooring facilities for the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
The islands are hampered by only have mooring facilities for the ferries, and only minimal visitation is allowed by private vessels.
"What is needed for the future of our islands are mooring facilities that could be classified as recreational jetties," the councillor says.
He is supported by many in the tourism industry who see future island tourism as reliant on improved recreational jetties for island visitation.
Similar facilities on North Stradbroke Island are seen as a benchmark for any Southern Moreton Bay Island jetty options, particularly the facility at the Little Ships Club at Dunwich.
In a letter to Peter Dowling, Cr Edwards says: "With the recent growth in island population and the exciting opportunities that will flow from the PDA at Weinam Creek, I believe the Southern Moreton Bay Islands have scope to improve their on island economies.
"One of the requests I am frequently asked, is for the provision of a recreational jetty with fingers attached to enable small craft to tie up for a limited time frame.
"I believe easier access for the boaties of the bay, including island boaties, would attract more island tourist visitations and additional retail sales.
"I have asked for support for a joint State/Council funding which would be post election but hopefully a commitment before then.
"At this stage, if there is State support, I will make a bid in next year's budget for scoping works, costings and design.
"The following year, with State funding and support from Council to match that money, the project would move into the development application stage, regulatory approvals from the State agencies and engineering works.
"The following year to that would be construction. All big marine infrastructure projects take a lot of time to deliver so it is important to start the process next year as it will take many years to deliver.
"It is important to point out that this is not a policy of Council.
"It is something that in my role as a Councillor I would like to see eventuate and I will make representations for support in next year's budget process if I can secure partnership funding support from the State member.
"I think these facilities would be a great asset to the local community and give way to a great number of recreational boaties visiting the islands," Cr Edwards concludes in his letter.