The new car park area and boat ramp to be built on Macleay Island, will accommodate nearly double the amount of existing car parks in the foreshore area.
Cr Mark Edwards has responded to some 'unsettling information' from certain island elements as to the vehicular accommodation capacity of the new car park.
"I have sought information from council officers and they assure me that the new car park area will be lined to maximise the number of vehicle parking spaces. It will be when the area of land is reclaimed (about the same size of the current car park) that the final layout of parking spaces will be determined.
"I can also report that there may now even be more car parks available over and above the reclaimed area.
"I have identified the street area in Russell Terrace, the street above the designated car park area.
"I believe this may be improved and utilised and extended to add further still to Macleay Island car parking. Looking at the area, perhaps a further 100 car spaces can also be added," Cr Edwards told The Friendly Bay Islander.
Redland City Council late last year approved a proposal for a new car park area and new boat ramp to the high water mark on the foreshore at a cost of an estimated $6 million.
Council resolved last year to proceed with the foreshore project to the ‘Mean High Water Springs’ (MHWS).
The land reclamation, capping to entomb the asbestos and building a car park, is being totally funded by Redland City Council as there are no State or Federal funds available for the high water mark proposal agreed to by council.
Funding was allocated for work to start in this financial year and a project start could still be some months away.
Cr Edwards said, because of the number of Government departments involved, gaining all the necessary approvals was a 'lengthy process'.
"I have sought explanations from council officers who have outlined the complicated processes involved.
"I am assured that the project is currently in the detailed design phase, including a permit preparation phase," he said.
In summary, the following approvals are required:
Marine Parks (state) permit;
Evidence of resource entitlement;
Development permit for a material change of use (car park and boat ramp) within a Coastal Management District;
Development permit for operational works for the removal, destruction, or damage of marine plants; and
Development permit for operational works for tidal works or works in a coastal management district;
Prior to applying for the development permits, a Resource Allocation Authority or Resource Entitlement approval will be required from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for Lot 3 on SL815414.
At the end of April following the detailed design phase, final applications will be sent to Government departments for approvals.
There are even more processes involved involving the capping of asbestos on the site, one of the main reasons for council's determination to build the car park area over the top.
Cr Edwards has estimated that all these processes could take a further three to four months before State Government approval is finally granted.
"Once all approvals have been granted from the various departments, the delivery of the construction component can then be progressed.
"Any approval conditions that are imposed by the relevant authorities will also need to be considered prior to progressing to the construction phase," the councillor said.