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• Cameron Costello CEO of QYAC

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The Quandamooka Festival is coming to the Bay Islands`later in the year.

The Festival is the concept of QYAC, the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation; the group that oversees the interests of aboriginals in this part of the Queensland coast.

Chief Executive Officer of QYAC, Cameron Costello, has told The Friendly Bay Islander that the festival is aimed at 'uniting' all the Bay Islands with a festival of culture, diversity, openness, family and fun.

It is intended to run the initial Quandamooka Festival from July to September, 2015.

"We have in mind a range of events, but we want all the community to get involved and help us with this initial event," he said.

That is why expressions of interest have been called for by QYAC.

"We have a considerable amount of interest already with offers from the Sandy Beach Yachting and Kayak Club to hold a regatta in association with the Festival.

"It is here we would like to see vessels adorned in the aboriginal flag colours, which would make for some spectacular water sailing and kayak events," the CEO said.

"There is also a Turtle Conservation Arts Exhibition proposed for Russell Island.

"And we are also looking at a concept of Quandamooka versions of Hawaiian shirts for the Bay Islands called “gindi” (fun) shirts.

"Any other concepts and ideas would be great appreciated."

Other suggestions include a major sculpture event with a $5000 prize, a Quandamooka market day with demonstrations of Aboriginal culture, didgeridoo playing and cooking.

Cameron Costello said he would love as many business people as possible to offer their support by registering their interest.

He asked The Friendly Bay Islander: "I would love for you to promote the workshop to our Bay Island businesses who want to be involved. "This is where the concept of Yura! Welcomes across the Bay will start to take shape!!!!"

To register your interest by the end of March, or find out more, contact QYAC on 0734152816 or email

The Friendly Bay Islander has agreed to be a media partner to the inaugural Quandamooka Festival.




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