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the Breeze

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The Zero Tolerance theme of this edition of The Friendly Bay Islander is a significant milestone in the affairs and history of the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.

For years the status quo has existed; with the “Elephant in the Room” the problems on our islands brought about by low rentals and low house pricing.

It is known that in some quarters, particularly on the mainland, our islands are held in low regard, rather than the ‘jewel in the crown’ they deserve to be.

The result has been some pretty deplorable behaviour by some unsavoury elements who have been attracted by low pricing, rentals in particular.

Because of political correctness, often in society you can’t say things as they really are.

Not so with our Zero Tolerance campaign.

To our knowledge, we are the only community anywhere in Australia to bravely tackle the issue at hand.

And that issue is the renting and selling of cheap housing to people who don’t know how to behave in a reasonably civil manner.

We know that our situation over the years has been a beacon to people who have either been in gaol or are involved with drugs or have alcohol issues.

The result has been some pretty poor behaviour that has seen many incidents involving bad language, bad behaviour, altercations, neighbour harassment, drug sales production and use, alcohol abuse and domestic violence.

There have been some positive signs recently that times are changing.

With the community of Karragarra Island giving a lead and with police offering the suggestion of Zero Tolerance and now working with the real estate industry on Macleay Island in particular, there is a way ahead.

It takes a community to make a community and that often requires strength and fortitude.

There are some who don’t want any change to their greedy and selfish ways.

Well, stiff luck.

Change is coming and the community is fighting back.

Zero Tolerance is a reality and it is growing in strength.

The feature that appears in this edition has been in the planning for more than 12 months.

We hope we have identified the root cause of our island problems and that they can be addressed.

We hope the good people of our islands support this initiative and stand up against bad behaviour, bad language, blatant and flagrant law breaking and domestic violence wherever you see it on our islands.

Watch out for our posters around the islands in the coming days.

Don’t hesitate to ‘dob in’ to Crime Stoppers. Every call is another statistic that will help bring about the changes that are required on our islands to make them the idyllic island setting they deserve to be.

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