Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) reports that there have been a few fires on Russell Island in recent times that have been deemed ‘suspicious’.
That is why the brigade on the island will be placing Stop Bushfire Arson posters around the island as well as a letterbox drop of the area to further educate the community on the importance of stopping the illegal lighting of fires..
Russell Island Rural Fires Service Queensland (RFSQ) First Officer, Larry Hoffman said a number of recent small fires were of a ’suspicious nature’.
“I don’t know why people do such things, but it has to stop."
RFSQ Area Director Neil Kelso advised for islanders to be ‘on the lookout’ for suspicious behaviour.
“Anyone lurking around areas of grass or timber with no real purpose, could be deemed suspicious.
“And if you see anyone moving away from a fire, that would also be suspicious.
“In both instances I would recommend that a call be made to Crime Stoppers. These calls can be made in safety and security. The number is 1800333000.”

• The ‘Stop Bushire Arson’ poster that will soon be seen placed around our islands.