• Rosemary Tyndall with well know Russell Islander Helen Johnston
Volunteer stalwart and QAS Responder Group Leader, Rosemary Tyndall, will celebrate 12 years as a First Responder on Russell Island this year.
Such has been Rosemary’s contribution, her efforts have been highlighted by the Queensland Ambulance Service in a bid to attract more island volunteers as First Responders.
Clearly, being an enthusiastic volunteers, is in Rosemary’s DNA.
Before being a First Responder, Rosemary was a first aid officer for the Rural Brigade for 20 years.
She volunteers her time to help the community in their time of need.
The Russell Island First Responder Group is currently comprised of four members and they respond to about two cases per day.
Since its establishment 12 years ago, the group has responded to about 5000 calls for help.
Rosemary said she has attended a variety of cases on Russell Island from road traffic crashes to trauma, pre baby arrivals (which she hopes someday she will attend).
Rosemary enjoys volunteering for a community that supports them 100%; their vehicle was purchased from funds donated by locals.
She said: “It’s nice to receive positive feedback from the close knit community when out and about.”
Her working partner as a First Responder is Judy Sutton who has been with the group for eight years and is also a keen member of the Russell Island Singers as well as having been active in Art and Craft groups.
Judy was nominated for the Russell Island Citizen of the Year Award earlier this year as a result of her work as a First Responder.
First Responders not only treat patients, but also provide reassurance to family/friends of patients.
Being an island local, she reassures and calms people with her friendly and well known face.
Become a First Responder!
The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is asking Russell Island residents to consider volunteering their time as a First Responder to benefit paramedics and their community alike.
First Responders form a vital link in the pre-hospital care chain; turning out to both trauma and medical incidents in their communities and providing basic first aid until paramedics arrive.
First Responders undertake training in pain management, advanced resuscitation and automated external defibrillation. They are nearly always first on the scene and are the reassuring faces supporting rural and regional Queensland and form a crucial part of the QAS service.
First Responders came from all walks of life.
You don’t have to have a medical background - all that’s required is a willingness to learn, and availability to help your community in their time of need.
Interested community members should visit www.ambulance.qld.gov.au for an information pack, or contact Officer-in-Charge Craig MacLachlan on (07) 3409 1620.