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the Breeze

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Children who attend Early Learning child care on Macleay Island are now into 'bush tucker' thanks to a wonderful new initiative.

The education and child care facility has for some time been developing Curlew Cove, an exciting new direction in early learning for children.

"It is about making our very young more aware of heritage and culture, says Early Learning Child Care owner Petrae McLean.

"Curlew Cove is a distinct new area at our Macleay Island complex.

"It is a new area of learning that introduces some wonderful new directions for young children," Petrae told The Friendly Bay Islander.

Curlew Cove consists of a new teaching amenity and totally new area attached to the Early Learning complex.

It offers new areas in a new style that involves: Bush Tucker Plantings; A fire pit for Community Gathering; New play areas

The bush tucker plantings have only recently just started. Over a period of time more plantings will be added.

They will involve native edible plants that will play a role in future education and use at Early Learning.

Petrae McLean says the new directions offer huge potential in the early learning child education industry.

• Petrae McLean with some early plantings of Bush Tucker at Curlew Cove.




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