The Spoils Ponds car park at Weinam Creek is being extended.
Part of that area was turned into a car park recently, but did not include the Spoils Ponds themselves.
This section takes up nearly half of the area available and could more than double the size.
Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards late last year put a request for use of the area for parking to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) who were hesitant at the time, to commit.
Three months ago DNRM approved that land for use as a temporary car park.
Work was carried out on the area, but with the ‘spoils pond’ fenced off and a new bitumen car park area completed. That area houses around 70 motor vehicles.
“Given the level of area taken in the construction of the new bus station at Weinam Creek, I have been disturbed at the intrusion it has made on existing car parking.
“I did not realise it would be as intrusive as it is,” he told The Friendly Bay Islander.
“Fortunately, I have now got the DNRM and council to agree to the further extension of the car park, taking in the Spoils Ponds themselves.
“Council is funding their filling in and turning into additional car parking.
“The completed and extended area should accommodate about 150 vehicles,” the councillor said.
Cr Edwards hopes the extended work is completed by mid November.
“It has been far more extensive than first thought, with council fitting the works bill, even though the area is owned by the State Government.”
It is apparent that the work on the bus station could take well into next year.
“We have no date on the likely completion of the bus station and a return to normality,” he added.

• Cr Mark Edwards in front of the work filling the Spoil Ponds ready for parking.