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The Macleay Island Cenotaph, Pat’s Park and nearby amenities block are set for an upgrade.

The Macleay Island RSL Sub Branch has sought help from Cr Mark Edwards to help improve commemorative services at the cenotaph.

The request follows on from an article that appeared in the September edition of the Friendly Bay Islander in relation to the state of the gardens at the Cenotaph.

At that time the FBI stated it would assist to have the gardens upgraded.

Almost at the same time, a council maintenance crew turned up with that exact purpose in mind to improve the garden soil and to plant additional Rosemary shrubs in keeping with the ANZAC tradition.

The sub branch has other concerns, particularly in relation to the flag pole adjacent to the cenotaph.

According to sub branch president Russ Hearps, the flag pole has never been ‘adequate’ for ANZAC services at the site.

Russ Hearps said: “The existing flagpole forces us to place the flags of ANZAC countries in the wrong order.

“What we need are two additional flag poles to be placed in adjacent corners so the flags of Australia and New Zealand can be adequately displayed the way they are supposed to.”

Whilst Cr Edwards was on site, the RSL representatives, including secretary Dusty Rhodes, also pointed out difficulties with the nearby picnic amenities that are utilised during Anzac Day and other commemorative events at the Cenotaph.

Power overloads and poor lighting have been ongoing issues for the RSL group.

Cr Edwards said: “I will look to having the power supply upgraded and additional lighting improved for the commemorative services, and I am hopeful of being able to supply the additional flag poles for the cenotaph site.”

Another issue is the top to the cenotaph itself.

Russ Hearps explained he was shocked to see a father place a young child up on the top of the cenotaph recently.

“It was dangerous and it was fortunate there was no accident.

“Council have also offered to assist in coming up with a cap on top of the cenotaph that will foil future attempts of this nature,” the RSL president said.

• Cr Mark Edwards (right) with Russ Hearps and Dusty Rhodes in front of the improved cenotaph gardens.





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