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Russell Island resident and former Federal Police officer, Warren Holland, decided to make a donation to the McGrath Foundation a few months ago.

As many Australians know, the foundation was set up by former Australian Test fast bowler Glen McGrath in memory of his wife, Jane, who very publicly died of breast cancer in 2008.

As a result, Glen decided to establish the McGrath Foundation to raise money to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across and Australia and to increase awareness in young Australian women.

The colour ‘pink’ was adopted by the Foundation and has become recognisable for all events conducted by the fund raising and awareness body.

And it is no surprise that cricket has become the sport most associated with the foundation and the fund raising.

The latest venture is called Pink Stumps Day. It is held in cities, towns and villages right around the country to continue the fund raising and raising awareness and educating young Australian women in particular.

Well, we can tell you that because Warren Holland decided to make a donation to the foundation earlier in 2016, he now is going to run a Pink Stumps Day in conjunction with the Russell Island Cricket Club on Sunday 22nd of January.

“They gave me a call a few weeks ago and asked me if I would take it on here on the islands.

“I thought, why not. It is for a good cause and it is a great way to bring the island community together.

“Cricket is a bit like that; it is in the Australian DNA!,” he said with a laugh.

A whole host of activities are planned including a special five-a-side, five over cricket comp with island businesses, food, drink, fund raising fun, and lots of pink!

To help make the event a success, Warren has been sent a kid of pink gear including, stumps, pads and balls and a host of paraphernalia to help make the day a success.

He admits that the whole thing is getting ‘Bigger than Ben Hur’ and he had to postpone his Christmas holiday back to hometown Newcastle because of the planning involved.

He is being helped hugely by Russell Island Cricket Club’s John Schultz with the club getting right behind the Pink Stumps Day which will be held at the picturesque Russell Island sports ground right on the water at Jackson Oval.

Already teams from Bay Island Transport, the Cricket Club (several), Ray White Real Estate, the Russell Island Building Supplies, The Friendly Bay Islander and Hollands Marauders have entered teams.

They are looking for entries from all islands at $20 per team with a $50 prize to be won!

There have been some great donations from Supa IGA and Coles towards a raffle and it looks like there will be some fun, food and entertainment starting at 9am until it comes to a finish.

“At five overs a game and five players per game, we might see a new form of cricket become popular,” Warren Holland said.

By the way, other rules of the game include everyone gets to bat; no one gets dismissed; and if you do get out, the team loses 2 runs!

All islands and islanders are invited to attend. and the goal is to raise $5000 on the day.

You can enter a cricket team or make a donation.

Just phone Warren Holland on 0408010840 or John Schultz on 0434701789.

See you at Jackson Oval on Sunday, January 22, from 9am. PLEASE WEAR PINK!

• Warren Holland hits out for Pink Stumps Day with Cr Mark Edwards catching a ‘donation box’ in slips!





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