Island artists will get the chance to experience a whole new aspect of art thanks to an exciting new ‘interchange’ program being developed by well known artist Maddi Ekeblad.
Maddi and her husband Peter recently pulled up their Macleay Island roots and decided to move to Penang in Malaysia.
“The move was because of the huge amount of interest in my art from South East Asia,” Maddi told The Friendly Bay Islander.
In recent years, Maddi has held a number of successful art shows and exhibitions in Hong Kong in particular, involving a number of repetitive trips to the dynamic SE Asia destination.
With ship’s captain Peter retiring from his profession and with Maddi’s art literally taking off, the couple decided that a move to SE Asia closer to her growing markets, was a possibility.
They discovered that living in Malaysia is extraordinarily cheap compared to Australia, particularly in relation to housing.
So much so, that Peter and Maddi have a huge modern unit in Penang itself, and another four bedroom home with spectacular water views serving as her ‘studio’.
“This is where I hope to introduce my ‘interchange’ art program.
“I would hope island artists and others throughout Queensland and Australia might like to come and experience art from a totally different perspective.
“They would get to experience art and a new culture as well as enjoy a wonderful holiday with a difference,” she told the Friendly Bay Islander.
Maddi and Peter were recently back on Macleay Island where a large section of the island arts community and friends met up with them at the home of Lynda and Dave Faulkner in Western Road.
Maddi, typically, regaled everyone with her tales so far of an exotic lifestyle living in Malaysia.
“It truly is a magical experience so far,” she told us.
Not only will she be exhibiting her artworks in Malaysia and Hong Kong in the coming months, she has just received an invitation to exhibit in Moscow and Dubai.
“It looks like I will be heading off to even more exotic locations in the coming months,”Maddi said.
“I am particularly excited about the Russian invitation,” she added.
The couple won’t be losing touch with our islands.
“I hope many come to experience art in Malaysia with us to observe and learn.
“I want to make it a fulfilling experience.”
Maddi will be working on her ‘interchange program” in the coming weeks and will announce it when properly in place.
“I hope many island artists come to join us and experience something new with us in Malaysia,” she said.
• Peter and Maddi Ekeblad (centre) with a huge group of island artists and friends on their recent visit back ‘home’.