The Macleay Island Lions Club is heading in some new directions with the help of a reinvigorated group.
The Lions group for years has been integral to the islands, raising funds for community groups and goals.
However, under recently-elected president Sue Pietraszkiewicz (her second two-year term), the island Lions Club is looking towards some more ‘lofty’ goals.
The Friendly Bay Islander recently met with Sue and club vice president Col Scoble over a coffee, with some interesting outcomes.
Sue Pietraszkiewicz identified lack of activities for children on the island, of major concern.
“That is why we run daily school breakfasts at the Macleay Island State School, and monthly outdoor movie nights also at the school,” she said.
The school breakfast program could not be the success it is without the Lions volunteers and support of donations from The Decks B and B and Spar Supermarket.
Sue continued: “We live on islands and it is difficult because of our tidal situation for young people to go for a swim.
“Perhaps the club could look to making a swimming pool for Macleay Island a future goal,” she suggested.
If the club were to head in that direction and build it with community help, it would most likely be well supported.
Cr Mark Edwards suggested that it would need to done ‘differently’ to the Russell Island Pool that is council owned and operated.
“In its format, it is a costly endeavour for council.
“I would suggest if it is done on Macleay, it needs to remain in control of an organisation like the Lions Club,” the councillor said.
The club will look at its options in getting behind such a project, which would be a big undertaking.
President Sue said:’“At the moment, we raise about $10,000 a year via garage sales, markets and raffles which we distribute to mostly island objectives, and sometimes to national events such as cancer research.
The Macleay Island Lions Club has about 27 active members.
“Everyone gets involved and contributes. We also have a bus that we make available for community events and support,” Col Scoble added.
One of the agenda’s of Lions is ‘We Serve’.
To find out more about the Macleay Island Lions Club you may contact president Sue Pietraszkiewicz on 0468415241.

• Macleay Lions Club volunteers Henney Speyer and Sue Pietraszkiewicz load items for school breakfasts with the help of Vicki from Spar Supermarket.