An onsite construction compound has been established at the Macleay Island foreshore and marks the beginning of $8.5 million of Council works to improve the foreshore.
Redland City Acting Mayor Wendy Boglary said civil construction group Pensar Civil Pty Ltd had been awarded the contract for the construction of the upgrade of the Macleay Island foreshore precinct and had established the work site.
“This is a huge project that has taken enormous effort to bring to this stage, with years or community representation, and negotiation and planning discussions with multiple agencies and stakeholders,” Cr Boglary said.
“The proposed work for the site was publicly notified for comment, including island notification display from 16 July to 4 August 2016, prior to the State Government’s approval of the project on 7 October 2016 last year.
“Major project outcomes include a new seawall and sealed car park, associated road works and marine infrastructure, a new two-lane recreational boat ramp, a third lane for a future floating walkway, and access stairs,” Cr Boglary said.
“A key element of the State Government approval for the project design is the entombment of an asbestos contaminated land site that will provide for safe management of the pollution and the added benefit of additional parking.
“While Council included in its plan capping and recovering with sand an area of beach beside the boat ramp, the State Government did not approve this.”
Cr Mark Edwards said: “The redevelopment will provide an additional 147 car parks, including 12 disabled car parks, 26 car-trailer parks and eight motorcycle parks, as well as an improved drop-off zone and safer vehicle access.
“This will be a major outcome and benefit for the island community who have waited a long time for these improvements.”
The Queensland Government has also advised it would contribute more than $1.9 million towards the construction of the new recreational boat ramp from the Marine Infrastructure Fund.
A full Environmental Management Plan has been completed for the construction works including inspection and monitoring, staff training, fibre monitoring stations, equipment decontamination, and wash down procedures.
Every effort will be made to ensure minimal disruption driving construction including no loss of existing parking and the safe completion of this project for the future benefit of the community.
• The site setup on the Macleay waterfront