Those Renegades have done it again!
They have recently completed their latest viewing seat on Macleay Island located on the corner of Scarborough Terrace and Cowes Street.
This seat has wonderful views of Karragarra Passage, and the seat and location are called ‘Calm Waters’.
The site was chosen especially by seat sponsor, Suzanne Pike, of Macleay Island. Suzanne has had the seat installed in the memory of her brother, Paul Geissler, who was a well known hang gliding exponent who died in an accident at Geary’s Gap, Lake George, near Canberra in January 1992.
“He was known for his watermelon-coloured glider and a plaque and engraving on the seat is a reminder of my brother and his memory,” Suzanne said.
The seat is in a spectacular location with views high over the south west Bay waters to Karragarra and North Stradbroke beyond.
The Renegades wish to thank Suzanne Pike for her sponsorship of this their ninth seat which is provided for the community’s enjoyment. Additional art work will be included in the near future.
The group of enthusiastic volunteers will be installing another seat in their progression, in a few weeks.
“Ian Kirk told The Friendly Bay Islander: “We also have underway a refurbished bus seat that is a joint RCC, Renegades, MI School and MI LIons project.
“This seat demonstrates a strong and positive community partnership.”
He said that Redland City Council have provided a ‘grotty old seat which we have refurbished’.
“The kids are painting it in bright rainbow colours and the Lions Club have made a donation towards it.
“There is going to be humorous signage included and I'm hoping to include Mark Edwards and the school captains in the unveiling, which will be towards the end of the school term in September.
“There will possibly also be a Lions sausage sizzle as part of the unveiling,” Ian Kirk said.
The inclusion of the island school children in the project sends a positive message about community effort and involvement.
The team also wish to again thank Jude Fernandez for his excellent engraving and Redland City Council for supplying the cement for the footings. Please visit, enjoy and care for this new seat.
Another unique viewing seat will be installed in the next few weeks. Watch this space for its location.

• Suzanne Pike sponsor of the latest Renegades Seat in Scarborough Terrace, Macleay Island.