Council to pick up Weinam Creek Development
Redland City Council has revealed a new master plan is under consideration for the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area (PDA), following a decision not to proceed with Walker Group’s proposal.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said Council has listened to the community and is stepping in to develop the precinct to ensure it includes significant public infrastructure.
“The master plan, being developed by Council for delivery in stages, will transform the waterfront of Redland Bay, enhance the amenity and functionality of the busy local community hub,” Cr Williams said.
“Council has based its planning for the redevelopment on community feedback provided during the initial public consultation period for the PDA project.
The final master plan will provide for additional car parks, including ground level car parking, increased secure parking, and multi-deck car parks over the life of the project.
Other features of the plan include improved drop off and storage facilities for Southern Moreton Bay Island residents, more than 21,000sqm of new open space, the rejuvenation of 46,920sqm of existing parkland, new pedestrian and cycle ways and construction of a new boat ramp.
There will also be mixed use and medium density residential development and retail and commercial amenities including cafes and restaurants as well the potential for a health precinct for mainland and island residents.
The State MP for Redlands, Kim Richards said “I congratulate Council for their commitment to the Weinam Creek precinct”.
“I am committed to working with Council to ensure this important project delivers the infrastructure the community has been calling for, and delivers on economic development and jobs growth for our region.
“The Southern Moreton Bay Islands are a beautiful part of the Redlands and South East Queensland.
“This project will deliver the infrastructure the community needs to access and ensure the precinct’s success into the future.”
Cr Williams said the new Council-planned development of the PDA provided a valuable opportunity to showcase Weinam Creek as a community focal point and a regional gateway to the islands.
“It will also create jobs and support economic development for the region,” Cr Williams said.
The total area of the Weinam Creek PDA is approximately 42 hectares, including 36 hectares over land and nearly six hectares over water.

• The newly released master plan