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The Bay Islands Golf Club has a new president, and it just happens to be a woman.

Gail Spann is the first woman to ever hold the top position at the club.

And to say Gail is pretty pleased about it, is somewhat of an understatement.

“I have to say that I feel pretty special and very honoured to be the first woman to attain the position of president,” Gail told The Friendly Bay Islander.

And her election to the top job has been met with positive reaction from many in the community and at the golf club in particular.

Gail Spann has definitely earned her election at the very active island golf club.

She has long been a stalwart at the club, fulfilling many roles over her years of association.

Originally from New Zealand, Gail and her husband Brian have lived on Macleay Island for the past 29 years.

She was introduced to golf by her father, who would come over once a year for a month and play as a country member until 10 years ago when, sadly, he passed away but handed on his passion for the game of golf.

“I became an active member at about that time and have enjoyed every minute of it.”

It would be fair to say that hardly a day has gone past in all those years that Gail hasn’t been involved at the golf club.

“I have always enjoyed meeting and talking to people and have particularly looked forward to drawing the raffle tickets and the members’ draw on Friday night and chatting with everyone,” she said.

“The social side is very important in a club like this.”

Now that she is president, Gail has an agenda to achieve.

“I believe in community spirit and I wish to continue to expand in a direction of involvement and growth at the club and on the course.

“Golf is a wonderful social game.

“We are achieving natural growth by way of an increasing island population, but I would like to see more of our island residents getting involved and coming and enjoying the game.

“We do have members right across the islands, and I would love more islanders to take advantage of the free inter-island travel and to come and join the golf club, meet new friends, and be part of our island community,” Gail Spann said.

The new president is particularly happy with recent improvements on the golf course itself, as well as in the club house.

“We are fortunate to have one of the best outlooks and club houses on the islands. It is a great place to meet people and to make new friends,” she added.

President Gail has been joined on the committee this year by vice president Tony Flanigan, secretary Gloria Hodder, treasurer and handicapper David Cross, club captain Laurie Fleming, ladies captain Sue Domrow and the committee of Shane Cardile, Elliot Mead, John Roberts and Jack Huisman.

• New Bay Islands Golf Club president Gail Spann.


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