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the Breeze

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The Residents of Eastbourne Street, Macleay Island, have given a lead to the rest of the island community for an exciting new direction.

The street have banded together to ‘beautify’ their street.

And it has been so successful, that residents in other island streets could follow their example.

It started with two island home owners Daria Ross and Marcia Osborn, who just also happen to be two out of the three people who are in the island ‘Beautification Group’.

“We thought it would be a good community thing to do to help beautify Eastbourne Terrace by banding together.

“We contacted Redland City Council’s islands’ coordinator, Paul Storen, and he was very enthusiastic about our ideas and was keen to offer support,” Marcia Osborn told The Friendly Bay Islander.

She continued: “Soon after, council delivered 40 plants that range from one and a half to two metres tall. Council excavated the holes for the plants and Daria, myself, Martyn and Sarah planted the trees.

“Council also applied the stakes and ties to keep the trees propped as well as slow release fertiliser tablets and mulch.

“Once we had planted them all the Council water truck gave them all a good soaking and the visual effect was instant! Marcia said.

Daria Ross said it was the group’s hope to encourage other residents to consider beautifying their streets under this programme.

“None of this would have happened were it not for Paul Storan, SMBI Coordinator; Andrew McCulloch, Senior Trees and Landscapes Services Officer; Durwin Burt, Redland City Council, and Sarah Nicoll another Macleay Island resident.”

Others involved include Karl and Eve Grisbrook.

The trees that were planted were Magnolia grandiflora, Tabebuia rosea, and Golden Penda and when fully grown, will create a marvellous avenue down Eastbourne Terrace.

The group were given an extensive tree list to choose from with tree heights and those acceptable to grow under power lines chosen.

• Eastbourne Street residents setting the benchmark Daria Ross, Marcia Osborn, Eve and Karl Grisbrook and Martin Osborn

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