Previous dates we have been given for the installation of the NBN on our islands for 2019, are incorrect.
This time we didn’t ask a politician, but went to the NBN app that appeared on our phones in the past few days.
We put in random addresses for streets on all of our islands including North Stradbroke, Coochiemudlo, Karragarra, Macleay, Lamb and Russell Islands.
We discovered the dates they are giving for island installation is between January and June 2020.
And given the continual movement of these dates it would not surprise if the installation dates expanded further still by the time 18 months rolls by.
We also discovered that the method for NBN installation is also rapidly changing.
We put in several addresses at random for all islands and the three separate communities on North Stradbroke Island.
The replies we got were for either Fibre to the Kerb (FTTC) or Fibre to the Node (FTTN).
For the number of addresses we put in to the system, the replies were 50/50.
There is a considerable difference between the two.
Fibre to the Kerb is almost as the original concept for the NBN was envisaged.
Fibre to the Node was introduced to cut the huge expense of the delivery.
As the program has gone on, clearly the operators have improved their installation techniques now allowing for more Fibre to the Kerb installations.
Also, the number of Fibre to the Kerb installations could increase further still by the time the NBN cable contractors start work on our islands.
It would appear the NBN won’t be operational on the islands until 2021, but don’t take that as Gospel. Everything is subject to change.