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Island residents are ‘fighting back’ against a mainland campaign to halt Redland City Council’s plans for the redevelopment of Moore’s Farm.

Council proposes that the farm be converted to additional island parking.

The program also intended to achieve an additional area for the parking of mainland vehicles whilst work is carried out on the development of the adjacent Weinam Creek PDA area.

When completed, the new foreshore PDA area will contain a major car parking facility, adjacent to the terminal.

However, residents of homes adjacent to Moore’s Farm have started a campaign against council’s proposals for the Moore’s Farm area.

The home owners believe the project may have a detrimental affect on their property values; not realising that the eventually completed Weinam precinct of walkways, parks, shopping, accommodation and parking to the highest standards, should have a positive financial impact on that area of Redland Bay.

To counter the mainland action, a petition has been started on the islands, asking islanders to support the parking development at Moore’s Road.

As well,the following message was sent to many islanders in recent days to support the council’s plan for additional parking for islanders at Weinam Creek:

“Some residents in Redland Bay near Moore’s Farm are endeavouring to STOP the new car parking by Council for the Islands.

“The Parking is relevant to allow the development of the PDA area at Weinam Creek.

“When completed, it will completely change the entrance to our islands.

“To ensure that there is considerable support for the council parking strategy, we would like to ask if you would send the following message via your email, to this address:

The message that can be sent is:

“As a local resident, I would like to advise that the PDA at Weinam Creek is essential to the social and economic security of the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and it will also revitalise the mainland community of Redland Bay. For many years now, following considerable community engagement, we are awaiting the commencement of this redevelopment. I understand that EDQ is about to assess a development application for a car park at Moore’s Road. It is important that this application is approved, without delay, to enable the timely progression of the wider PDA development.”

It is still not too late to send a message similar to this to the email address to ensure a vital part of infrastructure important to the islands becomes a reality: Email your support to:

You can also sign the petition of support that is now available at various outlets and is featured here.


Facts you should know about the Weinam Creek parking directions planned by Redland City Council:

1. Moore’s Road car park provides EXTRA parking, not replacement parking

2. Moore’s Road is needed to aid the building process at the Weinam PDA area.

3. Parking will still be available on the ferry side of the creek

4. Room will be made to build a multi-storey car park right at the terminal

5. When the multi-storey car park is built there will be even more parking available for everyone

6. Redeveloping Weinam Creek into a modern transport hub with services, restaurants, open water front access is good for everyone.

7. It is good for Redland Bay and good for all of the Redlands, particularly the islands.

8. It is essential for island residents as the State has stated that Weinam Creek is the only transport option; so development is essential now.

9. To stop the PDA would impact badly for the islands.

10. Don’t let people who live elsewhere dictate what is best for the islands and Redland Bay.

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