The new Weinam Creek car park has been completed for almost six weeks, with its opening delayed by State Government approval conditions.
According to Cr Mark Edwards, the new car park was scheduled to open ‘weeks ago’.
“However, it was revealed that the Queensland State Government had conditioned that the opening of the new car park was conditional that the CCTV cameras were in place and operational.
“They are now being installed,” Cr Edwards told the Friendly Bay Islander.
Every other aspect of the car park is now complete, including the new access footbridge across Weinam Creek.
The car park was part of an acquisition by Redland City Council to provide additional car parking for Weinam Creek, particularly for the development of the PDA area just over the creek.
It is stage 1 of Redland City Council’s master plan for the Weinam Priority Development Area.
It now provides between 450 and 500 car parks at Weinam Creek for visitor and island use.
Several homes sites located on Moore’s Road and part of the area acquired by council for the project were subdivided and sold, funding the cost of the car park project.
Whilst located on the southern side of Weinam Creek, it is now linked to the Translink terminal and existing car parks by the new footbridge.
This area will compensate for the loss of another car park area at the top of Meissner Street, Redland Bay, as well as for use when the current car park area close to the terminal jetties is closed for redevelopment and the building of a major car parking station.
Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards said the car park and footbridge are a ‘milestone’ of the Weinam Creek PDA development.
“It is the first major stage completed of what is the Weinam Creek PDA development.”
When completed over the next few years the PDA will provide a new and exciting ‘gateway’ to the Southern Bay Islands.
Mayor Karen Williams said: “Many residents have a car on the mainland as well as on the islands and this overflow parking area will be very convenient for longer-term parking, with an easy walk over the footbridge to the ferry terminal.
“It will also enable cars to be parked while work is carried out on the ferry terminal new car parking station that is yet to come, allowing it to keep operating while the rest of the project is constructed,” the Mayor said.

• Cr Mark Edwards and the completed new car park