Building of the new MIAC headquarters on Macleay Island is about to start.
The contract for the construction was awarded to the Build Life team.
The company representatives along with local concreter, plumber, and electrician met on site with joint president Christopher Gilbert just prior to Christmas (see picture).
They met on site to go through the plans and to set the start date.
This will be in the coming days of mid January.
A $2 million Federal Government grant, allowed the Macleay Island Arts Complex Inc to be able to start the process that will see construction of an impressive state-of-the-art art gallery and complex on the outstanding MIAC waterfront site in Coast Road, Macleay Island.
The old premises was removed about three months ago.
Ten builders applied to be involved with the build with the MIAC committee eventually selecting BuildLife Construction as the company to build the new premises.
“This company sees our challenge the way we do; so we look forward to a transparent and successful venture,” Christopher Gilbert said.
There build is expected to take approximately nine to 12 months
To mark that event, a Grand Opening Festival Month is planned at that time, with lots of workshops and events based on the theme: ‘We Land and Waters Upon Which We Meet’
The galleries will include variations of art which will be welcomed by many.
With the help of modern technology, special evening presentations will the held along the lines of van Gogh and Monet exhibitions with a ‘local’ theme.
There will also be some fashion events as well as portrait artist and landscape artist competitions with 12 artists painting three models, similar to the Skyarts Show in the UK.
• Joint president Christopher Gilbert (3rd left) meeting with Build Life contractors and subcontractors on site.
RUSSELL ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS (RICArts) – A community-based organisation offering Art, Sewing, Pottery, Ukulele, Mosaic and Craft sessions from Monday to Friday with gallery open on weekends too.
All welcome! Come along and see what we have to offer you. While you are there, grab a coffee from Rosie’s, Island Beans Coffee Cart!
Find us at The Farm, Art House & Gallery, entry via Robert St, Russell Island. A short walk from the jetty. More info: Ph: 0418 445 942. Email - ricartsfarm@gmail.com website: www.russellislandarts.com/
Happy New Year to all!
RICArts would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and creative 2024. We hope you had a lovely rest and break over the Christmas period. The Farm, Arthouse & Gallery will reopen for usual weekday sessions on Monday 8 January at 9.30am. Hope to see you there.
Members’ General Exhibition continues from Monday 8 January 2024
RICArt’s wonderful members’ exhibition and the popular $50 and under sale continues for a few weeks this month. Pop in and grab a New Year special with items being collected as they sell. Always something new to see. Stop and have a cuppa at Rosie’s Island Beans coffee cart and relax under the shady avocado trees. It’s a lovely outing for a couple of hours and only a short walk from the jetty. Come and visit!
Macleay Island artist Darren Goleby has painted a water tank at Pat’s Park on Macleay Island for the second time.
He last painted it back in 1992!
And to be correct, it is a water tank of sorts, but a special one.
It is the header tank for the park water taps in Pat’s Park.
Darren’s effort this time has evolved and is quite spectacular!
If you are in for a swim at the park, or attending a event there, check out his latest handiwork!
• Darren’s latest effort!