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 Redlands Coast residents can immerse themselves in the wonders of nature and learn more about sustainable living at the IndigiScapes Eco Markets on Saturday 6 April. The Redland City Council event will feature food trucks and a range of unique stalls selling sustainable gifts, hand-crafted products and fresh produce. Other activities include a suitcase rummage sale, an interactive stage show, family yoga in the botanic gardens, a weaving circle and nature craft. IndigiCafe will be open as usual, serving up coffee, cakes and meals from 8am, while the Guides and Scouting Association will hold a sausage sizzle throughout the morning to raise money for their Redlands Revue production. Visitors will also be able to explore the IndigiScapes Native Nursery or visit the gift shop and Discovery Centre. The Little Wattlebird Band will take to the outdoor stage from 10am, playing music that celebrates the wonders of nature and the magical discoveries of childhood. Wild Flow Kids will host family-friendly yoga at 9.30am, followed by nature craft activities at 10am where children will be encouraged to get creative using natural materials. The Eco Markets will be held from 8am to midday on Saturday 6 April at Redlands IndigiScapes Centre, 17 Runnymede Road, Capalaba. More information about the event, including activity bookings, is available on the IndigiScapes website.  Please be aware that new opening hours of 8am-3pm are now in effect at the IndigiScapes Centre. The change does not impact the walking tracks or Native Nursery.

• BAY ISLANDS COMMUNITY DANCE A social dance has been organised. DATE: JUNE 1 2024. VENUE: RUSSELL ISLAND RECREATION HALL. TIME: 7.00PM TO 9.30PM.. PRICE: ADULTS: $7.50, FAMILY: 2 ADULTS AND ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12 $15 A non alcohol dance event has been organised for the above date. No dance experience is required as all dances will be demonstrated on the night, but you are required to bring a sense of humour and the ability to have fun.  A section of children focused dances will occur as well as many of the old favourite adult dances from years gone by. Supper including tea and coffee will be provided, which is included in the admission price. Soft drinks will be sold on the night. Look forward to seeing you there for a fun night 

• SMBI COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND Our island community band started up in 2023 and is always happy to welcome new players of all ages and levels on woodwind, brass, percussion and other instruments. Rehearsals are held at the Macleay Island Progress Hall every Sunday of school terms from 2.00-3.30pm. If you are interested just come along and join us! All enquiries to Eve Newsome:

 • MACLEAY ISLAND ARTS COMPLEX - FIRED EARTH Exhibition Grand Opening Sunday April 14. Entry Forms NOW AVAILABLE

• MACLEAY ISLAND ARTS COMPLEX - HOT TO TROT A Day full of fun! MIAC HOBBY HORSE CHAMPIONSHIPS •Grand Parade •Hack •Dressage •Steeplechase •Best Dressed etc Saturday, 27th April 11am Macleay Community Centre Hall Entry Fee $15

• BERNIE'S ARTISAN MARKET & SOCIAL EVERY 3RD Saturday at the Macleay Island Progress Hall and grounds.

• Kiti’s Tai Chi for Health – Beginners and advanced Tai Chi  Text Kiti on 0400 463 443

• MIAC INTERIM GALLERY SET UP! The MIAC Art Gallery is now located at the Macleay Island Shopping complex in Southsea Terrace, behind the Macleay Island Post Office. Volunteers have been hard at it for a couple of weeks setting up the area for the temporary gallery which will be utilised for some time whilst the new gallery is being built.

• RUSSELL ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS (RICArts) – A community-based organisation offering Art, Sewing, Pottery, Ukulele, Mosaic, Writers Group and Craft sessions from Monday to Friday with gallery open on weekends too. All welcome! Come along and see what we have to offer you.  While you are there, grab a coffee from Rosie’s, Island Beans Coffee Cart – Recommended by Restaurant Guru for the 4th year in a row! Find us at The Farm, Art House & Gallery, entry via Robert St, Russell Island.  A short walk from the jetty.  More info:  Ph:  0418 445 942. Email -  website:

• RICArts Members’ General Exhibition runs until 14 May with all items being replaced as they are sold which keeps the exhibition fresh and changing each day.  There will be a combination of ceramics and paintings for sale.   

• RICArts presents Trish Harris’s Mini Murals Exhibition commencing Friday 17 May and running until 4 June – another great exhibition to catch @ The Farm, Arthouse & Gallery, Robert Street, Russell Island.

• The RedShed Studio's PilatesYoga and Qigong are in their 8th year of encouraging community fitness with fun laughter and expertise. Contact Marian 0412 22 55 88 or

 • GIRLS DAY OUT LUNCHES are being held on the last Thursday of the month. Proceeds from raffle to go to the Animal Welfare league. New and old participants are welcome. PH 0434969790 Sue for  any more information.

• VISTA GROUP Macleay Island - Help to improve Macleay Island and join our group. Meetings the 1st Monday of each month at 1pm at Macleay Island Progress Hall. To find out more email or phone Suzanne 0435006365.

• START IN THE PARK: Try some light exercise with Council equipment but also bring your own dumb bells. Held on Macleay @ 8am opposite Community Centre each Thursday. For more info 0400 463 443.

• Macleay Island Ukulele Group - MUGS has been established over 10 Years. Meeting every Friday at The Progress Hall, Russell Terrace, Macleay Island from 12noon - 3pm. Fee $5 casual and includes afternoon tea. First time free. Bring your Uke and join us for some fun or just pop in on a Friday afternoon and say Hi. See our Facebook Group for Updates

• CAN DO Companion Line Do you need help or just want a chat… Maybe stuck at home and sometimes lonely...We can keep in contact with you and check you are ok…run a few errands possibly...listen to what’s on your mind.  Ring Lea on 0422 465 493 Mon—Fri 9am-3pm. 

• JUSTICE OF THE PEACE -  A Justice of the Peace (JP) is now available at Macleay Island Community Library on Fridays from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.

BICS COUNSELLOR - Meet Jenny our organisations counsellor. Jenny is a Psychotherapist with vast experience in a broad range of counselling requirements. Fortnightly on a Wed from 11:00am—2:00pm available on Macleay and Russell. For bookings ring 3409 1177. 

• Lamb Island Craft Group - 9am to 12pm Tuesdays. LIRA building near Progress Hall. All welcome for good company and a cuppa.

• MACLEAY ISLAND TOURISM CENTRE - The Tourism Centre office is now open at the Macleay Island Community Hall complex. It is open 5 days a week.

• LIONS CLUB COMMUNITY MARKETS are held at the Macleay Island Community Centre on the first Saturday of each month.

• COME  DANCE  WITH  US - Thursdays 9.30am - 1.00pm at the Bay Islands Community Services, 55 Jackson Road, Russell Island. Girls & Guys Line Dancing  - Dance to a variety of music - Country - Pop - Rock n Roll - Waltz. Been dancing since 2008 Contact:- Joanne 0419 999 540

• TABLE TENNIS - FREE of CHARGE first night. WHERE: Recreational Hall, Alison Cres. 5pm to 7pm every Monday night. Contact Siobhan 0406108882; Alan 0418799765.



1 Comment

Apr 04, 2024

Will the Light Up My Island event be held this year?


© the breeze 0423 229 739

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