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• SENIORS MONTH OCTOBER Events and activities on Redlands Coast during Seniors Month: Redland District Committee on the Ageing will host a one-stop community expo for seniors; Bay Islands Community Services will video older residents telling their stories and host a morning tea for the community to listen; Bay Islands Multi-Sport and Recreation Association will provide a seniors high tea event to be held with the Seaview Markets; STAR Community Services will run an information session to assist older adults in choosing and accessing their aged care service options with confidence. For further details on the events, please contact the individual community groups or check out Council’s What’s On calendar.

• Lovely WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Saturday 15th October, The Hut, Community Centre Jackson Rd, Russell Island. $10 per person (morning tea; lunch) Featuring Jan Cambell-Waldeck. • MIAC Puttin on the Ritz event, October 15, 6pm with Mama Ju Ju and the Jam Tarts. • 20th ANNUAL PRAYER BREAKFAST - Tickets are now on sale for the 20th annual Redland City Mayoral Prayer Breakfast to be held on Tuesday 25 October 2022 from 7am-8.45am at the Alexandra Hills Hotel and Conference Centre, corner McDonald and Finucane Roads, Alexandra Hills Tickets: $60 each, including GST (limit of 10 people per table) Bookings:

• MACLEAY ISLAND ARTS COMPLEX INC. By the Bay Exhibition now showing at the gallery.

ˆ RUSSELL ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS (RICArts) – A community-based organisation offering Art, Pottery, Ukulele, Sewing, Mosaic and Craft sessions from Monday to Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm. Weekday sessions $5 to attend – including morning tea. Yearly membership only $25 or $20 Concession. All welcome! Come along and see what we have to offer you. Find us at The Farm, Art House & Gallery, entry via Robert St, Russell Island. More info: Ph: 07 3409 1834 or 0418 445 942. Email - website:

• RICArts Two-week Members’ Exhibition – 5 October to 19 October. Drop into the gallery any weekday morning or during the markets held on Sunday 16 October for a peek at the new exhibition.

• Heilet Steyn Exhibition opening Friday 21 October and running through till 16 November. All welcome to the opening evening from 5.30pm. BYO drinks and a plate of nibbles to share.

• Robyn Joargenson’s Exhibition “Welcome to my World” Art, Pottery, Cloth opens at The Farm, Arthouse & Gallery on Saturday 19 November from 4pm and runs through to 30 November. An interesting mix of 2D and 3D art. RICArts will be rounding out the year with our final Members’ Exhibition from 2 December through till 8 January 2023. This exhibition includes members’ artworks in all forms and incorporates our popular $50 and under sale. Keep this one in mind for your wonderful island Christmas gifts.

• SELF DEFENCE CLASSES Tai Chi exercises with basic self defence techniques.Held at Marian T’s RedShed Studio and dojo, Russell Island. Classes: Wednesday 12.30pm Thai Chi flowing self defence; Wednesday 5pm Wadi Ryu martial arts self defence; Thursday 5pm Wadi Ryu martial arts self defence. Costs: $10 all ages and abilities. Phone Marian 0412225 588.

Macleay Island Ukulele Group - MUGS has been established over 10 Years. Meetings every Friday at The Progress Hall, Russell Terrace, Macleay Island from 12noon - 3pm. Fee $5 casual and includes afternoon tea. * First time free. Bring your Uke and join us for some fun or just pop in on a Friday afternoon and say Hi. *Scan FB QR code for updates

• CAN DO Companion Line Do you need help or just want a chat… Maybe stuck at home and sometimes lonely...We can keep in contact with you and check you are ok…run a few errands possibly...listen to what’s on your mind. Ring Lea on 0422 465 493 Mon—Fri 9am-3pm.

• JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - A Justice of the Peace (JP) is now available at Macleay Island Community Library on Fridays from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.

BICS COUNSELLOR - Meet Jenny our organisations counsellor. Jenny is a Psychotherapist with vast experience in a broad range of counselling requirements. Fortnightly on a Wed from 11:00am—2:00pm available on Macleay and Russell. For bookings ring 3409 1177.

• Lamb Island Craft Group - 9am to 12pm Tuesdays. LIRA building near Progress Hall. All welcome for good company and a cuppa.

•BERNIE'S ARTISAN MARKET & SOCIAL, 3rd Saturday of the Month 8am to Midday, Great Barista coffee and good food - Community coming together- 26 Russell Terrace, Macleay Island.

• MACLEAY ISLAND TOURISM CENTRE - The Tourism Centre office is now open at the Macleay Island Community Hall complex. It is open 5 days a week.

• LIONS CLUB COMMUNITY MARKETS are held at the Macleay Island Community Centre on the first Saturday of each month.

• COME DANCE WITH US - Thursdays 9.30am - 1.00pm at the Bay Islands Community Services, 55 Jackson Road, Russell Island. Girls & Guys Line Dancing dance to a variety of music - Country - Pop - Rock n Roll - Waltz. More info contact Joanne 0419 999 540

• TABLE TENNIS - FREE of CHARGE first night. WHERE: Recreational Hall, Alison Cres. 6pm to 8pm every Monday night. Contact Siobhan 0406108882; Alan 0418799765.



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