The Queensland Government has today announced a three-day lockdown due to COVID-19 for 11 local government areas across south-east Queensland, including Redland City.
Redland City Council’s essential services will continue during the lockdown, with other services operating online or closing for the duration of the lockdown, which is currently from 4pm Saturday 31 July to 4pm Tuesday 3 August 2021.
Kerbside rubbish collection and recycling and waste centres will continue to operate, but now is not the time for a general clean-up.
Other south-east Queensland local government areas affected by the health directive are Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Gold Coast.
Queensland Health has advised that from 4pm today, people in these areas will be required to stay at home except for essential purposes, including buying food and medications, accessing health care or providing support, exercising locally, and undertaking essential work and study that cannot be done from home.
Masks must be carried everywhere and worn in all indoor spaces and outdoors spaces, except where exemptions apply. Please keep informed by visiting the Queensland Health website.
Under the restrictions, the following Redland City Council services will move online or close to the public from today Saturday 31 July 2021 until close of business on Tuesday 3 August 2021, pending further advice from the Queensland Government.
This includes:
Council’s Customer Service Centres Customer Service Centres at Cleveland, Capalaba and Victoria Point will be closed for the duration of the lockdown, but Council’s online and telephone services will continue.
Council’s Customer Contact Centre is available for all phone enquiries on (07) 3829 8999 Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm, excluding public holidays.
Libraries Redland Libraries closed at 12pm Saturday 31 July, but the libraries’ extensive online services will continue, including e-books, e-audio books, e-magazines, music, movies and children’s stories.
Return chutes will also be closed with loan and hold periods extended. No late fees will be incurred. To access our digital library services, visit our website or download the app from the App Store or Play Store.
Art Galleries Council’s Art Galleries will be closed for the duration of the lockdown.
Redland Performing Arts Centre will be closed for the duration of the lockdown. All scheduled performances and workshops have been postponed. See RPAC website for latest performance updates.
IndigiScapes Centre Closed.
Visitor Information Centre While the Visitor Information Centre at Raby Bay closed at 12pm Saturday 31 July, information will still be available by phone on 1300 667 386 or visit the Redlands Coast website.
Redland Animal Shelter The gates to Redland Animal Shelter will be closed, with onsite staff available for appointments and emergency drop-offs only.
Community halls Indoor venues, including community halls, will be closed.
Public swimming pools Cleveland Aquatic Centre will be closed. Bay Islands Aquatic Centre is already closed for winter.
RecycleWorld RecycleWorld at Redland Bay Recycling and Waste Centre will be closed.
Recycling and Waste Centres
While our Recycling and Waste Centres remain open, Council urges residents to avoid generating unnecessary waste and avoid visiting the facilities unless absolutely necessary. Social distancing and safety requirements apply.
More information Watch Council’s website and social media for updates. The Queensland Government is the lead agency in managing the public health response to COVID-19.
For more information about the health directive and the latest health advice, visit