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More than $95,000 has been awarded through round one of Redland City Council’s 2024–2025 sponsorship program to support the delivery of exciting events, activities and initiatives on Redlands Coast.Redland City Mayor Jos Mitchell said everything from sport tournaments and social events to a multicultural festival and wedding trail had been supported through the first tranche of funding.“The sponsorship program provides funding and in-kind support to help community-led organisations deliver events, initiatives and activities that directly benefit the community and the Redlands Coast economy,” the Mayor said.“Council also makes Quandamooka Cultural Awareness Funding available through the program to support the delivery of cultural immersion experiences such as smoking ceremonies and cultural demonstrations at Council-sponsored events.”Applicants are asked to align their initiative and events with one or more of the program objectives, which includes promoting collaboration, boosting the local economy, increasing social connections and creating a sense of place.Applications are judged by an internal assessment panel with funding then awarded across three categories: Major Sponsorship (up to $30,000), Minor Sponsorship ($15,000 or under), and Quandamooka Cultural Awareness Funding (up to $1500).The Mayor thanked the groups that had already delivered events this financial year and encouraged other organisations to begin preparing their application for the next funding round, which was scheduled to open in February 2025.“I had the pleasure of attending the Diwali cultural celebrations at Capalaba in November, which was one of 10 events and activities to receive Council funding through the first round of the sponsorship program for this financial year,” the Mayor said.“Other major events to benefit from the latest round of funding included the Straddie Salute Triathlon, Redlands Coast Masters Sevens Football, Redlands Coast Wedding Trail, and the Wynnum Manly Seagulls reconciliation game on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah).”For more information about Council’s sponsorship and grants programs, visit the Council website or call 07 3829 8999.




Redland City Council has provided funding support for 14 community projects and events through round one of the 2024-2025 Community Grants Program.

Mayor Jos Mitchell said more than $76,800 had been allocated in round one to support the local organisations and individuals on Redlands Coast.

The Community Grants Program has three categories – Organisation Support, Conservation and Project Support..

There were five grants in this category that will help in areas such as staff education, workplace safety, and for developing strategic planning.

“There were also five grants for Conservation projects. These will go towards activities such as weed management, koala conservation, and flying foxes and other bat species rescue, that are carried out by our city’s amazing, registered wildlife and habitat carers.

Round one 2024-2025 recipients included Redland Bay Cyclones Rugby Union, Coochiemudlo Island Bushcare Group to undertake weed management on Morwong Beach, and Women of Trades and Industry to conduct a series of workshops designed to empower women.

A list of all awarded grants is available on Council’s website. Round two of the 2024-2025 Community Grants Program is now open.

For more information visit Council’s Grants and Sponsorship page on Council’s website



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