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EXPERTS ENDORSE NEW TOONDAH HARBOUR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Environmental, marine and ecological experts have published over 5 years of independent research to support the new Toondah Harbour, in the release of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The public can now endorse the urban transformation from October 12 - with a supporting submission for the next 40 business days, until December 6. Toondah Harbour spokesman Dolan Hayes said the EIS findings comprehensively prove the development will deliver a major economic and lifestyle boost, while importantly protecting and sustaining the natural environment. “The EIS is based on the indisputable evidence of 11 independent scientists giving their tick of approval to the new Toondah Harbour,” said Mr Hayes. “Toondah Harbour is one of Australia’s busiest mainland passenger ports but is barely functional despite more than one million passenger movements a year.” “Good design, best practice environmental management and smart mitigation measures are all outlined in the EIS. “Crucially, scaremongering about negative environmental impacts to bird life, marine ecology and koalas has been proven wrong by the best, independent science.” Penn Lloyd, Principal Ornitholigist at BAAM Consultants said the project won’t reduce the number of Eastern Curlew using Moreton Bay. “We predict the project won’t have any impact on the Eastern Curlew feed sites or their use of roost sites, adjacent to the project area. Roost sites that Eastern Curlew use are located at least 400m away from the project site.” Sam Maynard, Principal EIS Scientist at Saunders Havill said the project has been significantly modified to protect Cassim Island bird roosting sites. “There is a 250m buffer zone between Cassim Island and any urban uses now with a protective rock wall placed in between the island and the project,” said Mr Maynard. Claims the Cleveland koala population will be impacted by the project have been refuted by Adrian Caneris, Principal Wildlife Specialist Biodiversity Assessment and Management Pty Ltd. “There’s a bit of misunderstanding about what values are here and where those values exist. “There will be a dedicated koala underpass to remove the greatest threat of increased traffic. This will ensure the safety and movement of koalas,” said Mr Caneris. “The development also creates a significant increase in koala habitat and koala habitat connections in the landscape, along with the planting of over 1000 new koala feed trees.” The EIS also details the significant social impacts the new Toondah Harbour will bring. “There will be a vital billion-dollar boost to the local economy, creating hundreds of new jobs for locals whilst increasing the diversity of housing supply, to negate the severe shortage crisis across the region,” said Mr Hayes. Tourism will also thrive. The new Toondah Harbour will bring an estimated 50,000 additional visitors to the Redlands Coast each year, injecting $17 million in new income for local businesses in Cleveland, North Stradbroke and the Bay islands. “The Toondah Harbour project will be another golden attraction for tourists during the 2032 Olympics for Brisbane and beyond. We are committed to reviving the gateway to Stradbroke Island and Moreton Bay, so all Queenslanders can enjoy its natural beauty, with first class ferry facilities, south-bank style lagoon pool, waterfront cafes and retail as well as fishing, kayaking and recreation areas,” said Mr Hayes. “The findings are great news for the Redlands and everyone can support the project before December 6, by clicking the ‘Show Your Support’ link at” In 2013, the Redlands City Council and the Minister for Economic Development Queensland, established the Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area (PDA). Redlands City Council went out to tender on the basis it didn’t want to hit ratepayers with a bill to fund the hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure upgrade costs, including the ferry terminal, additional car parking, and the deepening and widening of the navigation channel. Walker, known across Australia for outstanding community masterplanning, was selected to deliver the Council’s vision after a rigorous Expression of Interest process. You can support the project before December 6, by clicking the ‘Show Your Support’ link at


1 Comment

Steve Bishop
Steve Bishop
Nov 30, 2022

The draft environmental impact statement required for a project to build a town of about 7,200 residents in protected Queensland wetlands fails to achieve prime objectives.

Walker Corporation wants to build 3,600 homes in Toondah Harbour near Cleveland but its recently-released draft environmental impact statement (EIS), which has taken about four years to prepare,

Fails to show a required "net benefit" for the Ramsar wetlands;

Fails to provide specific and measurable results of an offset strategy; and

Fails to include a "completed offsets guide".

Federal government guidelines for compiling the statement stipulate it has to "demonstrate how a net benefit will be achieved" for the internationally-recognised wetlands and other areas of national environmental significance in Moreton Bay.

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