Major works on the badly eroded Macleay Island foreshore adjacent to the island barge ramp is now underway.
Island families close to the undermined and eroded foreshore are delighted that the foreshore is now going to be protected.
Work started on the foundations to the foreshore work in late November and is scheduled to be completed by February, weather permitting.
Getting to this point has taken some time; years in fact!
It was not until the Redland City Council’s most recent 2024/25 budget revealed $4,486,000 had been allocated for Marine and Foreshore erosion issues, including the Macleay Island foreshore in question, that a sigh of relief was now possible.
The Friendly Bay Islander has highlighted the issue on a number of occasions over the years, revealing more than 10 metres of foreshore have already succumbed to the ferry, barge and waterway activity in the area covering more than 60 metres in length.
Tenders for the construction revealed a barrier wall 90 metres in length was to be constructed and is now underway.
It took a Queensland Government Coast Protection Notice to encourage Redland City Council to act.
The Coastal Protection Notice was issued by the Chief Executive of the Department to take the action stated in the notice to protect land from activity within a Coast Management District i.e. land situated on Brighton Road Harbour, Brighton Road, Macleay Island.
The Protection Notice declared that ‘reasonable action’ needs to be taken to protect the land in question.
It pointed the finger directly at vessel movements which are accelerating the erosion on the foreshore adjacent to the Macleay barge ramp.
Despite council declaring in May 2023 that the planned foreshore protection works should be ‘accelerated’, it is only now nearly two years later, that work is finally underway.
The Coastal Protection Notice amazingly ‘demanded’ council was required to adhere to a strict time schedule in providing regular reports and updates as well as required development applications for the required work.
Failure to ‘comply’ with the Coastal Protection Notice is an offence under the Act.
Redland City Council advised that the works in question will be 90 metres in length and work is now well and truly underway.
• Work currently underway on the Macleay Island foreshore.