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Member for Redlands, Kim Richards, is urging islanders to get vaccinated for Covid-19 sooner rather than later.

She says the sooner islanders and the rest of Queensland get vaccinated, ‘the sooner we can get back to our normal lives’.

“The longer people stay unvaccinated, the longer the fear of a Covid-19 ‘third wave’ is more likely.

She said ‘any fears that people have in being vaccinated’ are being lessened as more and more Queenslanders and Australians get vaccinated.

“The medical profession is getting to understand the vaccines and how to handle them, now that they have been in the community for some time.

“Any concerns people have about the safety of the vaccines is lessening as experience grows,” Kim Richards said.

Medical surgeries on our islands report that more and more islanders who qualify are booking for vaccinations.

It has been said some have been a ‘little shy’ at first, but were fine after being vaccinated.

The full process is explained prior to vaccination taking place.

In recent days doctors have warned Australians are "sitting ducks", until a significant number of the population is vaccinated against coronavirus.

The Federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt, said that it was the Government’s goal to have all Australians totally vaccinated by the end of this year.

For those who have concerns about the vaccines, it needs to be remembered it is only via vaccination that the threat of Covid-19 spreading again can be halted.

When it comes to side effects, Kim Richards said: “It is normal to experience mild side effects for some people, but severe reactions to vaccines are very rare.

“Health experts are closely monitoring this, and research so far shows that Covid-19 vaccines are safe.”

Kim Richards said she will be taking the vaccine, as soon as she qualifies.

“I am not in any of the categories yet allowed to be vaccinated.

“I will be in about a month’s time when my birthday comes around, and I will definitely being vaccinated.

“I have, however, just been vaccinated for the flu, and I urge islanders to also have a flu season vaccination as well,” the Member for Redlands said.


There are two outlets on the SOUTHERN BAY ISLANDS. Macleay Island Medical Centre on Macleay Island, and Bay Islands Medical Service on both Macleay and Russell Islands.


Most Coochie islanders are organised to attend medico services on the mainland. It is believed some of the more infirm may be getting shots from Anglicare nurses etc.

NORTH STRADBROKE ISLAND: The vaccine is available from the Yulli Burri Ba Medical Centre at Dunwich and the Stradbroke Medical Centre at Point Lookout was awaiting supplies as we were going to press.

• Kim Richards receiving a flu vaccination shot.



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