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Redlands Coast community organisations wanting to build, renovate or refurbish community facilities can now apply for funding through Redland City Council’s Capital Infrastructure Grant program.

Mayor Jos Mitchell said the program supported local organisations to undertake projects for the benefit of the community.

“These grants allow community organisations to undertake vital projects to improve facilities that benefit both their members and the wider community,” the Mayor said.

“They can also help improve the organisation’s ability to deliver services and improve access for people experiencing disadvantage or vulnerability.

“The Capital Infrastructure Grant program also promotes collaboration and local partnerships, and provides new employment opportunities, which is a great boost for the local economy.”

Last financial year, Council awarded more than $166,700 in capital infrastructure grants to 16 organisations to undertake projects such as replacement and installation of lights and fans, electrical works to a new shade shelter, drainage and grease trap upgrades, a cricket fence replacement, upgrades to a canteen and solar system, and renovation of an exhibition and display building.

Applications for Capital Infrastructure Grants are available in two categories:

  • Small grants up to $10,000; no financial cash contribution required.

  • Major grants from $10,001 up to $50,000; 50 per cent financial cash contribution required.

Applications close on 15 September 2024.

More information on Capital Infrastructure Grants, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, is available on Redland City Council’s Grants and Sponsorship website.



Applications are now open for Redland City Council’s 2024-2025 Sponsorship Program.

Mayor Jos Mitchell said the program aimed to support the delivery of a variety of events and initiatives that not only appealed to residents but would attract visitors to the city.

“Council offers two rounds of sponsorship each year, providing both funding and value in-kind support to help local organisations, community groups and individuals hold activities that deliver benefits to our community,” the Mayor said.

“These activities can include everything from sporting, cultural and music events and festivals through to expos and conferences..

“I encourage all event and activity organisers to consider applying for Council sponsorship.”

The funding categories available are: minor sponsorship of $15,000 or under, major sponsorship from $15,001 to $30,000, and Quandamooka Cultural Awareness Funding of up to $1500.

Applicants can also request value in-kind support such as venue hire, temporary entertainment event permit fee, traffic control permit fee, or marketing and promotion.

Last financial year, Council awarded almost $242,000 in sponsorship and $12,600 in Quandamooka Cultural Awareness funding for 20 events. Some of the  recipients were: Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival 2024; Straddie Arts Trail 2024; Straddie Invitational 2024; Goompi Community NAIDOC – 2024; STAR Community Services’ Community Celebration; 2024 Straddie Salute Triathlon.

For information on Council’s sponsorship program, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit Council’s Sponsorship webpage.



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