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The ‘preferred site’ for the proposed Satellite Hospital at Weinam Creek is now known.

It is in the current gravel car park area at the top of Meissner Street, just off Weinam Creek.

The site selection process took place a few weeks ago when the Department of Health, Department of State Development, Metro South Health Representatives, Redland City Council and the Redlands Investment Corporation visited the site along with Redlands MP Kim Richards and Cr Mark Edwards.

There were a number of options and sites to inspect, but it is believed the preferred site is the car park at the top of Meissner Street at Weinam Creek.

The site that is preferred, however, may not necessarily end up being the final selection.

That decision will be in the hands of Economic Development Queensland, the government department for all such allocations and decisions.

Member for Redlands, Kim Richards, says that it would be a ’surprise’ if the preferred site for the Satellite Hospital did not end up being the actual site.

“That is what these selections are for. All the experts have made a recommendation and it would be highly unlikely for the department to overrule that process,” the MP told The Friendly Bay Islander.

Building of the hospital is another thing.

That won’t be known until all the final approvals of the Master Plan for the Weinam Creek PDA are in place, via Economic Development Queensland.

An artist’s impression of the Satellite Hospital.



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