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the Breeze

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Not long ago, former councillor Mark Edwards came up with a concept for the major waste disposal centres on our islands that showed much promise. It was abut making our ‘tips’ more productive and environmentally effective, some of which is already in operation at the major Redland City Council waste facility. Mark wrote at the time about the concept setting up an effective recycling and reuse section and also establishing a green waste into potting mix set-ups on the two main island waste centres on Macleay and Russell Islands. Similar operations are in place in several waste centres throughout Australia. Still a councillor then, he put the proposal to council, only to have it given the ‘flick’ by council officers. Mark Edwards still believes the project is relevant which would cut down enormously on island waste, and its transport and obvious costs getting it to the mainland. Kim Ward, on Lamb Island, contacted us recently and suggested the concept might make an excellent ‘trial’ on that island. You would think any concept that could cut down on waste and it’s disposal would be worth exploring, particularly similar set-ups are successful elsewhere. Many items ‘thrown away’ at our waste centres have further use and can be re-sold to those who may need or want them. This is already happening at Redland Bay, Turning green waste into Potting Mix at all waste centres is again, ‘common sense’. These operations can be tendered out to interested parties for multiple benefits. Major companies such as Searles actually purchase potting mix from similar outlets. Mark Edwards told us at the time: “ My intent was for all islands except Karra to have a business activity that would generate on island employment and reduce the amount of waste being transported back to the mainland.” Perhaps it is time Redland City Council looks at the concept again. The amount of money saved in transport of waste alone off the islands is worth the effort!


Speaking with Russell Island ‘Postie’ Frank O’Rourke and he just happened to mention how busy parcel delivery was in the lead up to Christmas. In excess of 4500 parcels will delivered on Russell Island, and we assume the deliveries on Macleay Island would be close to those numbers as well. Frank has seen a huge ‘transition’  in mail over the past few years. Once upon a time a ‘letterbox’ was relevant; not so much today. “Most deliveries today are parcel delivery, boosted by the huge growth in online sales,” Frank told us. The number of parcels per month these days is getting close to 10,000 deliveries on Russell Island alone. Who would have thought!


A fight is happening online regarding the lack of public toilets on both Macleay and Russell Island. It is a subject we have spoken about on several occasions. The closing of the public toilets next to the Russell Island Recreation Hall has been a major blow to public facilities, with the septic facilities transferred to the toilets down at the Russell Island jetty. The problem has always been no public toilets at the Russell Island Shopping Centre nor the Spar Shopping Centre on Macleay Island. Many believe public toilets for all shopping centres should be mandatory. Unfortunately they are not. According to current regulations, the island shopping centres are not the ‘required size’ to warrant public toilets; staff toilets only it seems. We believe at Spar on Macleay, the Spar organisation is investigating the situation, and on Russell Island a new septic system is to be installed in the near future, according to Cr Shane Rendalls.


There have been many comments received about the continuing disregard so many island residents have for the illegal behaviour of smoking and drinking at the ferry terminals. On occasions there have been vaping and drinking issues on the passenger ferries as well. It is generally known, particularly by smokers, where they can and cannot smoke. Regulations stipulate that smoking cannot be carried out within six metres of any public amenity. This includes our jetty entrances, ramps and any communal area. One reader commented: “The ferry terminals are littered with cigarette buts, empty alcohol containers, and more. Australia is supposed to be a cultured and civilised first world country, but here I have my doubts.” 


Congratulations to the four winners of the RSL Christmas Raffle drawn on Christmas Eve. 1st Prize - Washing Machine & Dryer Combo Sponsored by Property Centre SMBI. Winner - Leo Reid. 2nd Prize – Chiq Retro Fridge sponsored by S.M.B.I Appliances. Winner - Lee Cheshire. 3rd Prize - Russell Hobbs Air Fryer Sponsored by Canaipa Island Transport Services. Winner -  Ian Gilleard. 4th  Prize - Vintage Kettle & Toaster Combo Sponsored by Canaipa Island Transport Services. Winner - Marita Kingston. Also, the RSL’s Monster Members draw went off on Friday 27th December and the lucky winner of $3100 was Helen Johnston (pictured).



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