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the Breeze

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Since January 1, it seems like it has hardly stopped raining on our islands and SE Queensland.Just a handful of days have been fine and, according to Brian Spann of Bay Island Marine, the use of island boats has been down from the usual traffic at this time of year, ‘totally due to the weather’. We checked the the Bureau of Meteorology to discover that rain since January 1st (boy did it start with a deluge) has easily succeeded 800mm, heading almost out 900mm. Nearly a metre of rain is a huge amount and you can see it around our islands that are definitely lush and green, but also making our grounds soft and unsafe, particularly if there are any large trees nearby. The outlook, it seems, is for more rain, so don’t put that brolly away just yet!


The VISTA group on Macleay island we featured on their VISTA Place project, in our February edition, are still on the go. VISTA will be looking into other projects being considered, and are advocating for a town plan; improved foot-paths; curbing and roads; covered seating/tables/BBQs for the park; information stands (there are street libraries, seats, heritage trail and other island information that visitors require as well as lobbying for improved maintenance in the Village Centre. VISTA did join with the Garden Tribe Group just before Xmas to mulch some of the gardens around Spa and the Post Office quadrangle. Watch later this year for these enhancements. 


In the last couple of weeks, sailing Olympian and former Russell Island State School student, Mara Stransky, competed in her first ever World Championship sailing event. Her body is still processing the effects of 6 days racing in 20/25 knots winds on the Olympic fitness machine the ILCA 7. She says in a recent posting “On my average chilled out days I'd say I run myself at around 70%, but to race against the world’s best in this ultra demanding dinghy takes me something like 250% effort!  I had a dream start winning the first race from 16 time World champion Brett Beyer. It took a close lee-bow to hold him off on the final tack to the finish.   Bret went on to win every other race, while I duked it out in a very close battle with Mark Lyttle from Irleand who came 11th at the 1996 Olypmics, the highly experienced Kiwi Andrew Dellabaca and the mighty Austrian Christoph Marsano. The regatta end was painful though, missing out on a world cube by 1 point to finish 5th in the strong fleet of 35. Nevertheless I do feel extremely grateful I got to compete at this level and feel I acquitted myself nicely.”


The Bay Islands Multi Sports group (BIMSARA) has a new committee, and it is settling in with some goals ahead. Coming up is some imminent training and some decision-making.  The group will be updating its strategic plan and constitution after the training. is completed. The new Executive Committee is: President - Ros Stiles; Treasurer - Dee Roberts; Secretary - Trish Hampstead. The vice-president’s role is yet to be filled (any candidates?) Voting Members Alan King (stepped down as Vice President but is still very interested in assisting with governance.AGM 15TH FEB 24.docx. Glenda Arthur - Diversity Subcommittee Representative; Dave Penman - Events Subcommittee Representative. The Events Subcommittee got off to an amazing start on Australia Day with Dan Golin joining us as Bar Manager with the help of Chris McGregor.  This is one of the few ways BIMSARA charges at events - to keep some money in the kitty. The Country Dances Committee is now meeting at 2 Union St (The Hub).


Here’s a good one that popped up online: Daughter’s TEXT TO DAD: Daddy, I’m coming home to get married soon, so get your check book ready. LOL! As you know, I’m in Australia and he’s in the US. We met on a dating site, became friends on Facebook, and had long chats on WhatsApp. He proposed to me on Skype and now we’ve had a two-month relationship through Viber. Dad, I need your blessing, good wishes, and a really big wedding. Lots or love, Lilly. DAD’S REPLY: My dear Lilly. Like Wow! Cool! Whatever …. I suggest you two get married on Twitter, have fun on Tango, register for your stuff on Amazon, and pay for it all through PayPal. And when you get fed up with this new husband, sell him on Ebay. Lots of love, Dad.



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