Wednesday, 1 September 2021 marks Indigenous Literacy Day. To share the richness, diversity and multilingual world of First Nation’s people the Indigenous Literacy Foundation is hosting a virtual celebration for all Australians.
At 9 am on Wednesday, 1st September, connect live to a selection of two inspiring video stories by First Nation storytellers of all ages across the country.
Local AFL players from Macleay Island read a selection of books written by children from Indigenous communities.
“Japarrika” is a young adults novel written by Tiwi Island College students focusing on the importance of AFL football in maintaining school attendance and inspiring girls and boys to be empowered adults.
Livv and Finn Zastera and Matilda Federoff train with the under 9 and under 15 VP Sharks AFL teams.
The book reviews revealed that, “the books should be in schools to tell us how these kids love AFL because there’s not much to do out there after school hours,” and “the girls and boys have the same issues as we do as teenagers. I’d like to know more about their culture.”
The books will be donated by The Tiny Stall to the MIPA Community library to encourage young and old to read contemporary Indigenous stories shared through reading.
• Macleay Island AFL players Matilda Federoff, Livv Zastera and Finn Zastera.