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There has been some movement in relation to the extreme erosion of the Macleay Island foreshore.

The Friendly Bay Islander has been constantly following up the issue with Redland City Council for months, due to the critical situation and likely further erosion.

There were many ’suggestions’ for temporary and more permanent solutions to the crisis, but the situation has been compounded by the complicated process.

That’s because two levels of Government are involved.

The land in question where the erosion is occurring just metres from the Macleay Island barge ramp, is owned by the Queensland State Government.

However, the Redland City Council is responsible for any works carried out.

Redland City Council had requested the appropriate officers of council to come up with a design for the works.

Fortunately there has now been some progress.

The coastal engineer’s report has now been received by Council officers.

A council spokesperson told The Friendly Bay Islander: “The report’s purpose is to inform any works needed to respond to erosion concerns, in compliance with a coastal protection notice issued by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

“Council engaged a design consultant who has submitted design and permit applications to the Department, which is compliant with the timeframe applied by the Queensland Government.

“Council is also undertaking an options analysis to establish a plan for the long-term management of the foreshore in this location.

“Council is continuing to work with the Queensland Department of Environment and Science to comply with their requirements,” the spokesperson said.

The design report is unlikely to be publicly released.

It is also not known what timeline will be put in place until the report has been fully assessed.

Outgoing Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards previously explained the likely process: “So what happens is a budget is allocated for the engineers to design an affordable and effective solution and this then leads on to an estimation from officers to how much this may cost. 

“There is also a factoring of what approvals, permits and studies may need to take place. (Environmental impact, cultural heritage etc)

“Once this has been done for any project, it can come back to Council either as an annual budget line item or a budget review item, “ the councillor said.

Further, he added: “Budgets are reviewed several times in the year and projects can be added or withdrawn. 

“In other words the budget is a “living” document that can vary at any time in the interest of the Redlands.”

Cr Edwards says the other ‘difficulty’ is that whatever concept and designs that are forthcoming, they will have to be approved by the State Government.

Whether a temporary measure or a permanent, the State Government has to give approval.



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