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Member for Redlands, Kim Richards MP, has thrown a spanner into the works in relation to the plans and works at Weinam Creek.

Her move has come as a surprise to many, because the Weinam Creek PDA has been very public for some years with work already underway.

The MP has targeted her concerns at Redland City Council’s media release on Thursday 22 February 2024 announcing Consolidated Properties Group as the preferred development partner to deliver the multi-storey car park and retail precinct within the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area (PDA). 

In a February 29 letter to outgoing Mayor, Karen Williams, she says she was ‘surprised’ to see this announcement during the ‘caretaker period’ in a count down to the March 16 Local Government Elections.

She says in her correspondence: “ I was particularly surprised as there has been little consultation or communication with the community over the course of evaluation and the awarding of the preferred development partner. 

“There has also been no consultation by Redland City Council or Redlands Investment Corporation with me throughout the RFP process, evaluation and awarding of the preferred development partner including any details of the agreement. 

“As you are aware, the car parking at Weinam Creek is already at a crisis point, and there has been little communication with the community on how the preferred development partner arrangement will impact those that are reliant on the availability to park at the Marina.” 

The Redlands MP further claims “There are several critical questions that the community should be informed about, and I would request that these answers are communicated publicly through information booths at the Marina and in response to this letter. 

She says the community should be ‘given the opportunity at a minimum’ to have the following questions answered: 

1. What is the total number of car parking spaces proposed within the current schematic design for the multi-storey car park that will be further developed in the next phase of Detailed Design? 

2. What is the project program for the multi-storey car park by phase included in the Preferred Developer Partner agreement? 

a. Detailed Design Phase 

b. Tender Process Phase 

c. Construction Phase 

d. Practical Completion Phase 

3. Will Redland City Council maintain ownership of the multi-storey car park and what is the fee and operating structure proposed for locals to park within it? 

4. What are the proposed alternative car parking arrangements during the construction phase for island residents? 

This information is particularly critical to future planning for residents to get to and from home, for students and teachers to get to and from school and for locals to shop and attend appointments on mainland. 

Again, these are extremely important questions for our community that speak of livability and the unique challenges of living on islands. I urge Redland City Council in the interests of transparency and in the public interest to provide this information as a matter of urgency,” the letter to outgoing Mayor Karen Williams ends.


Kim Richards has provided a Karen Williams’ response to issues in relation to support for the Weinam Creek PDA project.

“I have been a supporter of the revitalisation of the Weinam Creek area since I was elected in 2017, I spoke about its importance in my Maiden Speech to Parliament.

 “That’s why I’m proud to have to have delivered the first piece of catalytic infrastructure within the PDA our new Redland’s Satellite Hospital, which is making healthcare more accessible and affordable for our island community, and now $15 million towards the construction of the car park at Weinam Creek.

“Redland City Council received an $11m land value uplift on the site transaction for the delivery of the Redlands Satellite Hospital, already a substantial contribution towards other works within the PDA.

“I know how important the carpark and revitalisation project are for Weinam Creek, the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and the rest of the Redlands Coast community and I will continue to work with all levels of government to get this project moving. 

“The right thing to do in the spirit of genuine collaboration would have been for the Mayor to have reached out to discuss the project in light of the Council resolution at the end of December last year on the PDA and prior to the announcement by media release of the successful preferred development partner.

“My Government understands how important council projects are to local communities, that’s why we have provided funding to Redland City Council to help with the costs of construction for important community shaping infrastructure. 

“Most recently, the State has provided $4.5 million in local government grants under the South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program, which the council has elected to spend on clubhouse upgrades at Charlie Buckler Park, this could have been directed to projects within Weinam Creek,” the Redlands MP statement concluded.



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