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PET AMBULANCE NOW AVAILABLE VIA BAY ISLANDS PET EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SCHEME Island pets can now feel greatly relieved that a new pet emergency ambulance service has been introduced to the islands. It is called the Bay Islands Pet Emergency Assistance Scheme and it was announced at a special event held at Jock Kennedy Recreation Reserve on Russell Island recently. Pet owners en masse attended the event, supportive of the new service. The new organisation has come about because of island demand. Veterinarians attend several veterinary surgeries on the islands on various days of the week, but there is an issue for sick pets on the days when those surgeries are not operational. BIPEAS has been formed to address the vacuum of veterinary care, and, at the moment it applies to Russell Island only. They have sought the support of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard in their cause. Pet supporter Tracy Taberer says the new ‘partnership’ will allow island pets to receive emergency care on a seven-day basis. “Up until recently, pet owners were often stranded when it comes to emergency pet care, particularly for pet owners who are isolated or have mobility issues. “The Volunteer Coast Guard has come to our rescue and will supply emergency transport to the mainland for urgent pet care,” she told The Friendly Bay Islander. For pet owners to be involved in the Bay Islands Pet Emergency Assistance Scheme, they need to ‘register’ with the organisation. This can be done at Loveable Pets on Russell island. Your pet has to be registered to have costs subsidised up to 50%. The cost is only $20 per family. Once on the mainland you will need to organise your own transport to your choice of vet, eg. own car, friends, taxi, pet ambo. You can do that by contacting Tracy at Loveable Pets on Russell Island or phone 0411237112

• The large group of supporters at the Jock Kennedy Park launch.



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