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Q and A with Andrew Laming

ANDREW LAMING CALLING IT A POLITICAL DAY! Outgoing Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, will be ending 15 years as our Federal Member of Parliament. He is definitely going out with a bang after fighting off some difficulties and winning out in some legal stoushes which may, or may not have added considerably to his superannuation. We put a number of questions to him for this interview. He didn’t answer them all specifically, but covered them generally with the answers he provided. Q1: How do you see your 15 years as the LNP representative for the seat of Bowman? A:I was preselected for the Libs in 2001 so it’s been a remarkable two decades. The highlights for me has been personal pet policies to reduce generic drug prices, provide deposit assistance for homebuyers and realise a medal for families of those making the ultimate sacrifice. Q2: Were you disappointed at your final term and the trouble and publicity that resulted? A: It was a wonderful period actually. There have now been countless apologies, big defamation wins including a stunning victory over the ABC. Every original complaint has been found to be baseless and politically driven, and never even materialised as a substantiated complaint. We can’t wait for the chance to lay down all the gruesome evidence behind the accusations. The whole thing has driven a wave of support. It is at those times that you realise how many Redlanders out there cross the street to tell you they have your back. Can’t expect much better than that. Q3: Do you feel the LNP has selected a good replacement to stand for the seat of Bowman in Henry Pike? A: Henry is a caring bloke who will do a great job. Q4:: How do you see the forthcoming election? A: Like every election, nail-biting, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. Q5: And what of your future. What directions will you now be heading? A: I have some bigger plans which necessitated calling it a day in Canberra. I also want to maintain my Ophthalmology, which is prevented under s51 of the Constitution while I am an MP.

• Andrew Laming in his final address to Federal Parliament



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