Kim Richards has been re-elected as Member for Redlands, representing the Southern Bay Islands and Coochiemudlo Island. She has agreed to be our Q and A guest.
Q1: Congratulations on your win Kim, did the election result surprise you in any way?
A1: Thank you, I’m so grateful to our community for again giving me the honour and privilege of representing them in the 57th Queensland Parliament. We had one of the largest primary vote swings in Queensland and an increased two party preferred margin increase.
Q2: You were able to extend your hold on the seat of Redlands to beyond the 5% safety range, do you believe that this seat is now a safe stronghold for Labor?
A2: Although we had an increase in both primary vote and margin, the seat of Redlands still remains under 4% and is considered marginal.
Q3: And because Labor has increased its control on the State with more representation, has this had an impact on your position in the party?
A3: With a majority Palaszczuk Government returned we will be able to continue our strong response to Covid and our State’s economic recovery.
Q4 We make no apology for believing you are ministerial material for Labor, were you disappointed at the recent ministerial appointments?
A4: I’m pleased that I have been promoted in the 57th Parliament with the appointment to be confirmed this week in Parliament of Committee Chair position. This will be an important role in the Parliament and I am honoured to have been given this privilege to work hard for the people of Redlands and all Queenslanders. I will also be continuing my role as a Queensland Hydrogen Champion, renewable present a huge opportunity for Redlands in diversifying our economy and creating jobs.
Q5: There were some pretty good promises made by you and Labor prior to the election, are you looking forward to bringing them to fruition?
A5: I am absolutely delighted with the commitments made for our region and even more delighted to be taking stewardship of seeing projects that are underway complete and delivering on these new projects. It is great news for all Redlanders with record investment in our region, I know though, that there will always be more to do and I look forward to continuing to champion the Redlands.
Q6: These included over $2 million allocated for island roads prior to the election, what chance of that funding to be continued on a regular basis?
A6: The funding of $2.5M awarded to Redland City Council to continue the green sealing of roads is underway as we speak. The announcement of continuing to allow SEQ Council to apply for funding under this program is good news and provides opportunity for Redland City Council to continue to seek further funding.
Q7: Another promise has been a $40 million health facility or mini hospital at Weinam Creek, is this designed to cater to the southern bay islands?
A7: The satellite hospital will provide a fantastic opportunity to deliver health services for our island community and tailored to the needs of our community.
Q8: What medical services will be provided at this facility Kim?
A8: Metro South Health with Queensland Health will be working through the services to be provided based on the needs of our community in the planning phase.
Q9: Where will be it’s exact location and is it likely to impact on any future parking areas?
A9: The exact siting of the hospital will be done in consultation with Redland City Council and Redlands Investment Corporation in the Weinam Creek PDA that they have carriage of.
Q10: Do you have faith and confidence in the future of our islands Kim?
A10: I absolutely have not only faith and confidence in our island community, but also care and passion to see them thrive into the future. Working together as we have done over the past 3 years has seen great outcomes and I will continue to be the strongest advocate for our islands.
Q11: Where do you see us heading under your Government over the next four years.
A11: With continued strong advocacy for our region and the record investment being made, I can only see our community going from strength to strength under a Palaszczuk Labor Government.