YES NO AUSTRALIA 39.75 60.25 QUEENSLAND 31.53 68.47 BOWMAN 27.90 72.10 AMITY 30.10 69.90 66 YES TO 153 NO VOTES DUNWICH 44.40 55.60 192 YES TO 241 NO VOTES POINT LOOKOUT 39.50 60.50 149 YES TO 228 NO VOTES COOCHIEMUDLO IS 43.00 57.00 184 YES TO 244 NO VOTES MACLEAY IS 33.80 66.20 478 YES TO 937 NO VOTES RUSSELL IS 31.20 68.80 545 YES TO 1199 NO VOTES REFERENDUM VOTE ALL ISLANDS VOTE STRONGLY IN FAVOUR OF ‘NO’ IN VOICE REFERENDUM The six islands of Moreton Bay attached to Redland City Council, have voted strongly ’NO’ in the recent Federal Voice referendum. The result was no even close, even more strongly ’NO’ than pre polling indicated. Across Australia it was approximately 40% YES; 60% NO. In Queensland, it was even more decisive with nearly 70% voters voting NO and just 30% voting YES; a remarkable difference of 40% Remarkably, in strong indigenous electorates the result was even stronger for the NO vote. Around all of our islands the figures were similar to the Queensland average. It was interesting that the highest NO vote on our group of six islands was 69.90% voting NO at Amity on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah). The lowest NO vote was also on Straddie at 55.60% at Dunwich. There were three polling booths on Straddie: Point Lookout, Amity and Dunwich. At Point Lookout the vote was 39.50 % YES and 60.50% NO AT Amity the YES note was 30.10% YES and 69.90% NO. At Dunwich, the YES vote was the strongest at all island polling booths at 44.40%, but the NO vote still won strongly at 55.60% On Coochiemudlo Island the YES vote was the second highest on the islands at 43% with the NO vote still relatively high at 57% On The SMB Islands, there was much stronger voting for the NO vote, where there were only polling booths at Russell and Macleay Island There was only 2% difference in the voting patterns here. Macleay Island voted 33.80% YES and 66.20% NO. Russell Island was 31.20% YES and 68.80% NO.