RSL CLUB TO RE-OPEN! We have it on good authority that the Russell Island RSL Club is to RE-OPEN in the coming weeks. The date will either be in the last days of this month (July) or the first week in August. The Russell Island RSL Sub Branch has been able to negotiate a health scenario that will allow the club to re-open. It is believed the sub branch board and volunteers will run the club in its renewed infancy and is hoping for some substantial support from the island community. See you there! LUMI LANTERN What an event the 2022 Light Up Our Islands lantern event was. Hundreds from all the islands flocked to Russell Island in droves to experience the unique late afternoon and evening display of lanterns and markets. And who knew that the islands had so many children? Kids were everywhere with their wonderful lanterns they had been making in the weeks leading up to the lighting event. The LUMI was a triumph for the very-well-organised BIMSARA group. There were huge lineups for food at a number of outlets, and did we say that the weather was ’super’ this year. Not only was it clear skies, but it was also quite mild. The first year (2021) was freezing. 2022 was not, but that did not mean that the big ‘bonfire’ was not popular. It was, and helped to create a wonderful atmosphere set against the wonderful tree lighting. There was light and glitter everywhere. The number of islanders who turned up with their families was lovely to see, and clearly a great time was had by all. HATS OFF! Hats off to the Bay Islands Multi Sports and Recreation Association (BIMSARA). Their organisation of the Light Up My Island lantern event was first class. Holding an event that appeals to families is definitely the way to go. BIMSARA has been a landmark success since it was formed to provide group public liability insurance for small island groups and clubs. Had this unique concept not evolved from someone’s great idea, we would not have the club and sport participation that exists today. Huge increases in public liability insurance was killing community participation as we once knew it. This ‘collective’ form of insurance was a beacon in a darkening industry. The results achieved by BIMSARA have been unique and so rewarding for the island community, and a lesson to be learned for other communities. FLOWERS FOR GLYNIS BIMSARA Treasurer, Glynis Enright, received a ‘surprise’ at a recent Russell Island Sports Fishing Club event that donated $1000 to two young aspiring athletes, lawn bowler Zayah Morgan and young golfer Kane Leonard. At the end of proceedings, the fishing club ’surprised’ State Member of Parliament for Redlands, Kim Richards with a bunch of flowers as a ‘thank you’ for all her efforts for the active club organisation. Kim, however, had a surprise of her own. She announced she was ‘passing on’ the flowers to a person she thought was far more deserving of the accolade. She then presented the flowers to BIMSARA treasurer and original organiser of the organisation, Glynis Enright. She said Glynis’ contribution to the community at ‘many levels’ had been ‘just outstanding’. And Kim was right! Glynis Enright has made a significant contribution to Russell Island and the islands in general for her organisational capacity and positive involvement. And so say all of us! FERRY TIMETABLE GAPS There are some timetable gaps in the running of passenger ferries, particularly on a weekend. If you need to have dinner or attend an event say on Russell Island on a Saturday or Sunday, there is a huge two-hour gap from just after 6pm to 8.30pm before you can catch a ‘return’ ferry to the other islands. it can be most frustrating. Fortunately, it wasn’t so for the recent LUMI Lantern Festival on Russell Island. Ferries were packed going over to Russell from all the islands. Luckily the ferry operators took note, and added a return ferry at 7.30pm for this event. However, it is not always the case and it definitely discourages island inter-action at this important time of a weekend. How about it SeaLink making it a permanent change to your ferry weekend timetable? OPEN FOURS CURLEW CHALLENGE The Russell Island Bowls Club are holding their Open Fours Curlew Challenge on Sunday, July 31. There is considerable prize money for the event with $600 for first, $240 for second and $120 for third. Entry is $120 per team with bowlers and teams invited to come from the islands and the mainland. By the way, the entry free does include lunch at the club for all team members. Registration for the event is from 9.30am, with play to start from 10am. There will be a break for lunch at 12.30pm and the entire event is expected to be completed by 4.30pm when presentations will be held. The event is being sponsored by island real estate locals Simon and Kim from Island Life. Thanks so much! If you want to know more, you can contact Mal 0418 201 121, or Charles 0409 345 037 or email TRAVIS PLACE ESTABLISHES SMBI CAR KEY SERVICE Island IT specialist Travis Place, has started a new car key business to match his extensive IT skills. It is called SMBI Car Key. He now offers to the islands a high tech key mobile service for all types of modern motor vehicles. If you have a problem with your key or have problems with the starting of your motor vehicle, Travis can help. That means if you only have one key for your and you need more, Travis can provide additional keys for you. And if you have totally lost your key, his technology allows him to access your car model details and supply a replacement. Travis can provide key replacement, supply or repair to most modern motor vehicles, trucks, mobile homes and more, new and old. To find out more, you can contact Travis and SMBI Car Key on 0420 465 863. COMPLAINT RE COUNCIL ISLAND AMENITIES Well known island IT man Travis Place, has a problem with Redland City Council. A few weeks ago he and his family were utilising the tennis and basketball courts on the island, teaching one of his children how to ride a bike. Whilst there, he noticed the poor state of the tennis court surface and the deteriorating backboards to the basketball rings. The backboard was breaking away with each contact with a basketball and the markings on the tennis court were badly depleted. As a result, he decided to do something about it. He sent off a complaint about the condition of the council island facility to several points of contact at council including complaints and city venues. He also cc’d in Cr Mark Edwards and others on the political spectrum,. To this day, he has not received a ‘reply’ from anyone at council, or from any of the areas he sent his complaint to, save for Cr Mark Edwards. “The councillor contacted me, but he was the only one. I was surprised and disappointed that not one section of council bureaucracy has replied or contacted me. The management of council facilities on our islands is clearly a concern. Why isn’t someone at council made responsible for managing this form of communication?” Travis Place asked. We will let you know if things change in the coming weeks?! 97th BIRTHDAY FOR JUNE Island resident June Stewart recently celebrated here 97th birthday at her home on Russell Island. Friends and family attended for a great day with June vibrant and happy. Daughters Narlene and Christine and son Mark were in attendance for the celebration. June was originally born in Victoria, but married a New Zealander and lived across the ‘ditch’ for 38 years before coming to our islands 20 years ago. A great milestone for a great lady!

As you can see when catching a ferry on Russell Island, progress is now rapidly being made on the new Russell Island jetty. When completed, it definitely will be an impressive structure. The roof has now been fitted to the frame, and large concrete pumps will soon be in place to start pouring the deck to the long and wide expansive walkways. If the recent good weather hangs around for a while, it is likely the new Russell Island jetty will be ready for an opening around October that will probably be organised for the occasion.