Redland City Council has adopted a $118.3 million capital expenditure program in the 2024–2025 Budget that includes significant funding for the city’s much-loved community facilities and lifestyle assets.
“The Budget will enable Council to continue work on major projects while also working to deliver important lifestyle enhancing services for our community,” Mayor Jos Mitchell said.
“To that end, a total of $4.54 million will be injected into community and cultural development across the financial year, including $3 million for refurbishment works at the Redland Performing Arts Centre and more than $700,000 in grants for Library resources.
“Council has also allocated more than $17.7 million to open space, parks and conservation this year to ensure our most popular reserves and suburban parks are being upgraded with new and improved facilities.”
Significant funding has also been set aside for the footpath expansion program, car parks, community buildings, footbridges, CCTV replacement and coastal protection.
“Almost half of this year’s capital expenditure program – or $52.57 million – is going towards roads and infrastructure to ensure the city is keeping pace with population growth now and into the future,” the Mayor said.
“Included in this investment is $6.92 million for the continuation of upgrades to Wellington Street/Panorama Drive at Thornlands and a $3 million package for green sealing works on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
“The road renewal, reconstruction and upgrade program covers dozens of busy local roads and major arterials, including Mooroondu Road at Thorneside, Redland Bay Road at Capalaba and Valley Way at Mount Cotton.
“Council has also budgeted $31.86 million for essential water, waste and wastewater projects – including upgrades to assets such as pumpstations and water mains – to ensure we maintain our high standard of service delivery to our community.”
Council has also put funding towards several sport and recreation facilities as part of the open space, parks and conservation program.
“These are investments that will benefit residents across our city,” the Mayor said.
“The highlights include $1 million for new lighting at Redlands Softball Park in Sheldon, $1.82 million for upgrades to the Pinklands Sporting Complex netball facilities in Thornlands, $200,000 for lighting upgrades at other local sports venues and $110,000 for the Cleveland Aquatic Centre renewal program.”
Council has also budgeted $7.62 million for preliminary works at the Redlands Coast Sport and Recreation Precinct off Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton, which is earmarked to become the future home of local touch football and rugby league clubs.
Other community investment highlights include $5.65 million for the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area program at Redland Bay and $1.04 million for the Cleveland Library building renewal project.
“To put the capital expenditure program into perspective, Council manages and maintains more than 1300 kilometres of roads and almost 700 kilometres of footpaths, cycleways, paths, tracks and trails,” the Mayor said.
“We are also responsible for about 134 bridges, almost 700 bus stops, 200 car parks, about 19,000ha of open space, and close to 680 kilometres of stormwater pipes.”
The Mayor said $4.49 million had been allocated to marine and foreshore projects this financial year to further enhance the city’s coastlines.
“This includes funding for canal and breakwater works, swimming enclosures and seawall renewals,” she said.
“The foreshore protection program and Council’s other marine and environmental works ensure that our coastline is being preserved for future generations to enjoy.”
Key project investments:
• $7.62 million for Redlands Coast Sport and Recreation Precinct development
• $6.92 million for Wellington Street/Panorama Drive upgrade
• $5.65 million for the Weinam Creek PDA program
• $3.00 million for RPAC refurbishment
• $3.00 million for road upgrade and expansion program (SMBI)
• $2.60 million for Valley Way, Mount Cotton
• $2.16 million for Redland Bay Road (north bound lanes), Capalaba
• $1.74 million for Redland Bay Road (south bound lanes), Capalaba
• $1.82 million for netball facilities upgrade at Pinklands Sporting Complex
• $1.04 million for Cleveland Library building renewal
• $1.00 million for sportsfield lighting renewal program at Redlands Softball Park