How’s this for a very special Mother’s Day!
In fact, some might even think it is quite romantic, even.
Jimel Transport is well known to all islands and many islanders.
Owners Jim and Elaine O’Brien have been providing our islands with the building blocks for our growth and development for many years.
Jimel Transport is located in Giles Road, Redland Bay, and every day their big trucks bring essential gravels and soils for our islands.
And because of our septic system of sewerage here on the islands, gravel is required for each and every new home installation.
Most of this gets here courtesy of Jimel Transport, and that’s Jimmy and Elaine.
Recently, they received a ‘special’ request for a new island development.
It is a fully secure car park called Island Secure Parking now under construction at in 2 Fernbrook Avenue, just up from the jetty on Russell Island.
A fair bit of road base gravel and finishing product was required for the job, which required around six trips to Russell Island, outside the normal daily schedule of trucks that Jimel sends to our islands.
So, to get the gravel here on schedule, additional trips at different and unusual times were required.
One of them was scheduled for Mother’s Day.
So, not to disappoint wife and business partner Elaine O’Brien on this very special day for mum’s, Elaine joined Jimmy in the cab of one of their very serious double trailer trucks for an adventurous Mother’s Day.
“I rarely go in the trucks, but this was a little bit special”, Elaine told The Friendly Bay Islander.
They were over on the 7am barge, with a bit of a wait before the return journey.
After the drop-off, the couple decided to enjoy a special Mother’s Day breakfast at the nearby Aunty Alice cafe, where we managed to get a pix of Elaine and Jimmy.
And thanks to Jimel Transport for going ‘over and above’ to help bring an important price of private infrastructure to the islands.
Island Secure Parking will be up and running in about a month or so.
If you would like to secure a private and secure car park spot on a permanent basis for your car, you can call 0400004373 or email islandsecureparking@gmail.com

• The load of gravel being dropped off at Island Secure Parking by Elaine and Jimmy.

• Elaine and Jimmy enjoying Mother’s Day breakfast at Aunty Alice’s Cafe.