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TIME LIMIT AT MOORE’S ROAD CAR PARK TO HALT ‘CAMPERS’ AND LONG-TERM CAR PARKING Redland City Council has been forced to place a ‘time limit’ on car parking at its Moore’s Road car park at Weinam Creek. Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards has advised The Friendly Bay Islander that previous unrestricted parking had resulted in cars being parked at the car park ‘indefinitely’. “Some cars appear to have been dumped in many spaces, and in some instances people have been living out of caravans in the car park for indefinite periods of time. “It also seems that some mainland residents have used it for longer term parking of their vehicles.” The councillor further explained: “It is having an impact on the actual purpose of Moore’s Road carpark. “It is a first and foremost a car park for island motor vehicles for a fair amount of time. “Unfortunately there are few options to make parking more available other than to introduce time limits. ” the councillor said., And that ‘fair amount of time’ is a 3-day limit! Accordingly, signs with the new time limit emblazoned, are soon to be placed in and around the car park. Work is also being carried on further extensions to the car park. A small area of the Moore’s Road Car Park will have unrestricted parking.

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